Mobile Height-Adjustable
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
Model V223
User Manual
Read this manual before operating the Mobile
Height-Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer.
Save this manual for future reference.
upper bracket
lower bracket
M6 screw
and washer
M4 screw
upper pole
lower pole
pole base
large washer
M8 screw and
small washer
V223 Mobile Adjustable
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
Refer to the picture above to assemble the Mobile Height-
Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer.
1. Assemble casters and base.
2. Insert pole base into base.
Labtron V223 Mobile Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
3. Insert lower pole into pole base.
4. Assemble M8 screw, small washer, and large washer
as shown on previous page. Install from the bottom
through base into pole base. Use /16" wrench to tighten.
5. Insert spring into lower pole.
6. Insert upper pole into lower pole.
7. Install height adjustment knob in upper pole. Adjust
upper pole to desired height. Turn knob clockwise to
8. Install basket on upper pole; insert two M4 screws
to secure it as shown on previous page. Use Phillips
screwdriver to tighten screws.
9. Install lower bracket on upper pole; insert two M6
screws and washers to secure it as shown on previous
page. Use Phillips screwdriver to tighten screws.
10. Slide sphygmomanometer's upper bracket into lower
WARNING: Ensure that sphygmomanometer is assembled
as described and that all components are securely
fastened before use.
Adjust height: Turn the height adjustment knob counter-
clockwise to loosen it, move upper pole to desired height,
then turn knob clockwise to tighten.
Blood Pressure is a measure of the blood’s pressure in
the circulatory system, which changes constantly during
the course of the cardiac cycle. Blood pressure readings
report two values. The higher reading (systolic pressure)
shows the highest pressure in the arteries occurring when
the heart contracts. The lower reading (diastolic pressure)
shows the lowest pressure in the arteries, which occurs
right before the heart contracts. Blood pressure readings
Labtron V223 Mobile Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
are written with the highest value first, then the lowest
value. Readings of 120/80 are considered to be normal,
with high blood pressure being defined as a systolic
pressure which is 140mmHg or more at rest and a diastolic
pressure which is 90mmHg or more at rest. Only a patient’s
physician is qualified to determine whether the readings
obtained are normal for that person.
Measuring blood pressure: Have the patient, while relaxed
and in a sitting position, extend the arm from which the
blood pressure will be taken to the front or laterally with
the palm of the hand up.
Attach the cuff and diaphragm: Hold the end of the cuff
containing the inflation bag firmly against the inside of the
bare upper arm with the artery symbol positioned over the
brachial artery. Never place the cuff over clothing. Pull
the opposite end of the cuff snugly around the arm and
secure the hook and loop fastener strips. The range lines,
indicated by the arrows, show the correct cuff size when
the cuff is placed on the arm. If the index line on the end
of the cuff falls between the two range lines, the cuff is the
proper size. If the index line falls outside the range lines, a
larger or smaller cuff should be used. The cuff should be
snug, but not too tight. If one or two fingers can fit between
the cuff and the arm, the cuff is properly secured. Place
the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial artery
inferior to the cuff.
Inflating the cuff: Close the bulb’s air valve by turning the
air release valve clockwise. Squeeze the inflation bulb at a
steady rate until the gauge’s needle points at approximately
30mmHg above the individual’s normal systolic pressure
value. If the individual’s normal blood pressure is not
known, it is recommended to inflate to 200mmHg.
Systolic blood pressure reading: Open the air release
valve slowly by turning it counter-clockwise while holding
the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial artery.
Labtron V223 Mobile Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
Proper deflation rate is vital for an accurate reading. The
recommended deflation rate is 2-3mmHg per second, or a
drop of one to two marks on the pressure gauge with each
heartbeat. Do not keep the cuff inflated any longer than
necessary. As the cuff begins to deflate, listen carefully
with the stethoscope. Note the reading on the gauge as
soon as a faint, rhythmic tapping or thumping sound is
heard. The first sound is the systolic pressure reading.
Always check with your health care provider to ensure
readings are performed correctly.
Diastolic blood pressure reading: Allow the pressure to
continue dropping at the same deflation rate. Note the
reading on the gauge when the last audible thumping,
swishing, or blowing sound is heard; this is the diastolic
blood pressure reading. After a few seconds have passed
and no audible thumping, swishing, or blowing sounds
are heard, deflate the cuff using the air release valve
completely. Remove the cuff and stethoscope from the
Record the systolic and diastolic readings. Repeat the
measurement two or more times to ensure accuracy. Only
a patient’s physician is qualified to analyze blood pressure.
Labtron V223 Mobile Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
s NOTICE: To prevent product damage, please follow these
recommended care and maintenance instructions:
Do not drop or pull excessively on the sphygmomanometer components.
Never inflate beyond 300mmHg.
Do not expose the cuff to direct sunlight.
Do not put the sphygmomanometer in contact with sharp objects which could
pierce the material and cause damage.
Do not dismantle or disassemble sphygmomanometer component.
Wipe off manometer, bulb, poles, basket and base with a clean,
damp cloth. Wash cuff with soap and cold water, rinse and air dry.
Do not iron cuff.
Sterilization Do not use steam, heat or liquid disinfectants to sterilize cuff,
inflation system, or manometer. Gas sterilization may be used on
cuff only, if necessary.
Always deflate the cuff completely before storage.
GF Health Products, Inc. ("Graham-Field") warrants the Labtron
Mobile Height-Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer Model
V223 for a period of one year for defects in workmanship and
materials. If a product is deemed to be under warranty, GF
Health Products, Inc. shall provide, at its option, (1) replacement
of any defective part or product or (2) a credit of the original
selling price made to GF Health Products, Inc.’s initial customer.
The warranty does not include any labor charges incurred in
replacement part(s) installation or any associated freight or
shipping charges to GF Health Products, Inc.
The warranties contained herein contain all the representations
and warranties with respect to the subject matter of this
document, and supersede all prior negotiations, agreements
and understandings with respect thereto. The recipient of this
document hereby acknowledges and represents that it has not
relied on any representation, assertion, guarantee, warranty,
collateral contract or other assurance, except those set out in
this document.
Labtron V223 Mobile Adjustable Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
Graham-Field and Labtron are registered trademarks of
GF Health Products, Inc.
Packaging, warranties, products, and specifications are subject to
change without notice. GF Health Products, Inc. is not responsible for
typographical errors.
USA Corporate Headquarters:
GF Health Products, Inc.
2935 Northeast Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30360
telephone: 770-368-4700
fax: 770-368-2386
© 2011, GF Health Products, Inc.
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