Hayes Microcomputer Products Network Card DIVA T A User Manual |
DIVA T/ A PC Ca rd
Use r’s Guid e
Ta b le of Conte nts
Introduction.......................................................................................... 5
What You Will Need.......................................................................... 6
Ordering your ISDN Line Using EZ-ISDN/IOC................................. 7
Connecting the Cables.......................................................................... 8
Installing the DIVA T/A Software ..................................................... 20
The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program................................. 25
Getting Help..................................................................................... 25
Menu Options................................................................................... 26
Using the Windows 95/NT Configuration Tool ................................ 28
Using the Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11 Configuration Tool.................... 37
Using the VT100 Configuration Tool................................................. 46
Updating the DIVA T/A Firmware.................................................... 53
Using the DIVA T/A........................................................................... 58
Low Power Mode............................................................................. 58
Secure ID Connectivity .................................................................... 59
Dialing with Multilink PPP .............................................................. 60
Establishing a Connection ................................................................ 61
Connecting to the World Wide Web................................................. 75
Automated SPID Selection................................................................. 76
Non-Initializing Terminal Mode........................................................ 77
Appendix A: ISDN Line Termination................................................ 78
Installing a Terminating Resistor...................................................... 78
Single ISDN Device ......................................................................... 78
Multiple ISDN Devices .................................................................... 79
Appendix B: Troubleshooting the DIVA T/A.................................... 80
LED Status Indicators on the DIVA T/A .......................................... 81
Common Problems........................................................................... 82
Dumping the DIVA T/A Memory..................................................... 84
DIVA T/A Firmware Specifications .................................................. 86
DIVA T/A Hardware Specifications.................................................. 87
Customer Service ............................................................................... 88
Eicon Technology on the World Wide Web ..................................... 88
Eicon Technology on CompuServe .................................................. 88
International Regulatory Information and Conditions of Use.......... 89
Limited Warranty.............................................................................. 92
Introd uc tion
The DIVA T/A is an ISDN PC CARD (PCMCIA) modem available in
S/T and U interface versions. It provides easy and affordable high-
speed Basic Rate Interface (BRI) ISDN connection to the Internet or
to your office LAN. With the DIVA T/A, Small Office Home Office
(SOHO) users and telecommuters can combine the higher
performance of ISDN with the simplicity of a terminal adapter.
The DIVA T/A emulates a COM port on your computer, which
complements your TCP/IP application (without the need for additional
device drivers). The DIVA T/A supports all standard modem AT
Inte rne t Ac c e ss
The DIVA T/A allows you to connect to the Internet over an ISDN
line at speeds of up to 128 kilobits per second. Without virtually any
delays, you can access online services or browse the World Wide
Web to download high-resolution graphics, video clips, interactive
games, music, etc.
Work-a t-Hom e Ac c e ss
The DIVA T/A provides the telecommuter with fast access to network
resources back at the office. You can access applications such as
email or download data from a remote database in a fraction of the
time it would take using a conventional analog modem.
Ea se of Use
You can install the DIVA T/A into any computer (PC or notebook)
equipped with a PC Card Type II slot. You can easily configure it
using the Setup Wizard (under all versions of Windows), using a
VT100 interface (under DOS and OS/2), and using AT commands
(under all platforms).
In North America the Configuration Wizard (Windows 95 and
Windows NT) can automatically detect your Service Profile
Identifiers (SPIDs). SPIDs are addresses assigned by your ISDN
provider; the ISDN switch uses SPIDs to identify your equipment.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 5
Wha t You Will Ne e d
To install and use of the DIVA T/A, you will need the following:
Ite m
De sc rip tion
DIVA T/A Package
DIVA T/A Software
DIVA T/A S/T or integrated-NT1 cable
ISDN cable (RJ45)
DIVA T/A QuickStart Guide
DIVA T/A Release Notes
PC or Notebook Computer
Equipped with a PC Card Type II slot.
Remote Access Client
Supplied as part of the operating platform or by
Internet Service Provider.
ISDN Basic Rate Line (BRI) Installed by your local telephone company. See
the section “Ordering your ISDN Line Using
EZ-ISDN/IOC” on page 7 for more
(Required for non-Windows users only) VT100-
compatible terminal-emulation program for
DOS or OS/2 platforms to use the VT100
Configuration Tool.
Terminal Emulation Program
Internet Access
(Optional) To establish an ISDN connection to
the Internet, you will require the following:
ISP that provides ISDN Basic Rate
Interface service
PPP and TCP/IP communications protocols
for accessing your Internet subscription
TCP/IP clients (Web browser, FTP,
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® 95
Microsoft Windows NT® (3.51/4.0)
Windows 3.x
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 6
Ord e ring your ISDN Line Using
(North Am e ric a only)
We highly recommend that you use our toll free ISDN ordering
service to make sure you get the correct ISDN line the first time. This
service is free to our customers. Dial 1-888-800-DIVA.
EZ-ISDN / IOC simplifies the ordering of your ISDN line. It lets you
use simple codes to order pre-configured packages of ISDN features
and services.
The North American ISDN User’s Forum (NIUF) and Local
Exchange Carriers (LEC) administer the assignment of codes.
Bellcore administers the National ISDN Ordering Code (IOC)
We recommend the use of the following ISDN Ordering codes:
EZ-ISDN: use ordering code 1
IOC: use ordering code R
If you want to use Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI) please refer to
(to be supported in a future software update).
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 7
Conne c ting the Ca b le s
To install the DIVA T/A into your PC:
1 Push the ISDN S/T or U cable (see ② in Figure 1) straight into
the jack on the card. Push the connector locking tab toward
your card.
(Integrated NT1)
Plug into
ISDN jack
ISDN S/T cable
B and D
Insert into PC
ISDN Cable
Figure 1.
2 Connect the other end of the cable to the ISDN cable (see ③in
Figure 1) and the ISDN cable to an NT-1 (if required) or to the
ISDN wall socket.
Note: Some S/T connections will require use of the terminating
resistor. Refer to “ISDN Line Termination” on page 78 for more
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 8
Afte r Conne c ting the Ca b le s
Where AutoSPID is supported (check with your ISDN service
provider), the DIVA T/A installation is totally Plug and Play.
Continue at “What’s Next?” on page 10.
If your ISDN line does not support AutoSPID, get the following
information from your ISDN service provider before continuing the
DIVA T/A installation:
ISDN number(s).
Your ISDN service provider should have provided you with one
or two ISDN numbers. These numbers are required to configure
the DIVA T/A.
If you are installing the DIVA T/A under Windows 95 or
Windows NT, the ISDN numbers are all that you require as the
SPID Wizard, used for configuring the DIVA T/A, will
automatically configure the SPIDs.
If you are not using Windows 95 or Windows NT, you must get
your SPID information from your ISDN provider. SPID(s) are
numbers usually consisting of your 3-digit Area Code plus 7-digit
ISDN Number followed by some digits. For new ISDN lines your
local telephone company will likely follow the generic SPID
format of a 10-digit ISDN Number (Area Code and ISDN phone
number) followed by 0101. For example: 51455512340101.
You may not have to enter SPID information for the DIVA T/A to
function properly if your ISDN line is configured for non-
initializing mode. The DIVA T/A features automatic non-
initializing mode support, which enables the interface to operate
without programming a SPID, or to retain basic service if SPID
initialization fails. However, your local telephone company has to
turn this feature on. As you lose functionality, we do not
recommend this operation mode.
Go to the section “What’s Next?” on page 10 and continue.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 9
Wha t’s Ne xt?
After you have finished connecting the cables and gathering the
required information, go to the section that corresponds to your
platform and continue the installation.
Pla tform
Wha t to d o
Windows 95
Continue on page 11
Windows 95 OSR2
Windows NT 4.0
Continue on page 13
Continue on page 15
Continue on page 18
Continue on page 19
Continue on page 46
Windows NT 3.51
Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11
DOS and OS/2
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 10
Wind ows 95
Note: This install procedure is for the original release and Service
Pack 1 (SP1) version of Windows 95. If you are using Windows 95
Service Release 2 (OSR2), go to page 13.
To verify the version installed on your machine, go to Control
Panel/System Properties and select the General tab. If you have the
original or SP1 version of Windows 95, it should show as one of the
two screens below:
Note: If you are using Dial-Up Networking, make sure you are using
version 1.2. If you are running a previous version, you must upgrade
to Dial-Up Networking 1.2, before you begin installing the DIVA T/A.
Dial-Up Networking 1.2 is located on the DIVA T/A CD under the
\MSDUN12 directory. Refer to your Windows 95 online help for
information on how to install Dial-Up Networking.
After connecting the cables (see the section “Connecting the
Cables” on page 8), turn on your PC. Insert the DIVA T/A, label
side up, into the PC Card Slot. The DIVA T/A is automatically
detected and the New Hardware Found Window appears.
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
In the New Hardware Found Screen, select
provided by hardware manufacturer
Driver from disk
, and click OK; the Install
From Disk window appears.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 11
4 In the Install From Disk window, enter the drive letter of your
CD drive (or use the Browse button to locate your CD drive)
and click OK.
5 Go to page 20 and continue at the section “Installing the DIVA
T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 12
Wind ows 95 (OSR2)
Note: This install procedure is for Windows 95 Service Release 2
(OSR2). If you are using original release or Service Pack 1 (SP1)
version of Windows 95, go to “Windows” on page 11.
To verify the version installed on your machine, go to Control
Panel/System Properties and select the General tab. If you have
Windows 95 OSR2 installed, you should see the letter “B”, as below:
Note: If you are using Dial-Up Networking, make sure you are using
version 1.2. If you are running a previous version, you must upgrade
to Dial-Up Networking 1.2, before you begin installing the DIVA T/A.
Dial-Up Networking 1.2 is located on the DIVA T/A CD under the
\MSDUN12 directory. Refer to your Windows 95 online help for
information on how to install Dial-Up Networking.
After connecting the cables (see “Connecting the Cables” on
page 8), turn on your PC. After Windows 95 has started, insert
the DIVA T/A, label side up, into the PC Card slot. The DIVA
T/A is automatically detected and the New Hardware Found
Window appears followed by the Update Device Driver
2 Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
3 From the Update Device Driver Wizard window, click Next.
4 Click Other Location.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 13
5 Enter the drive letter of your CD drive (or use the Browse button
to locate your CD drive) and click OK.
6 In the update Device Driver Window, click Finish.
7 Go to page 20 and continue at the section “Installing the DIVA
T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 14
Wind ows NT 4.0
Note: Before you begin installing the DIVA T/A, we suggest that the
Remote Access Service (RAS), also known as Dial-Up Networking, be
installed with at least one modem (any modem will do; it is only
needed to install the DIVA T/A and can later be removed).
1 Shutdown Windows NT and turn off your PC. After connecting
the cables (see “Connecting the Cables” on page 8), insert the
DIVA T/A, label side up, into the PC Card slot.
2 Start your computer and allow Windows NT to start.
3 Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer's CD drive.
4 From the Start menu, go to Settings, then Control Panel. The
Modem Properties screen opens. Click Add.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 15
5 Select Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list, then
click Next.
Important: Make sure that you select the choice above and do
not let Windows NT choose its own modem driver. If you let
Windows NT select the modem driver, you will not be able to
communicate with the DIVA T/A. You will then have to delete the
Windows NT installed modem and restart the install process
again from Step 4.
6 From the Install New Modem windows, click Have Disk; when
prompted, enter the path to the CD (or use the Browse button to
locate your CD drive), then click OK. The DIVA T/A will be
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 16
7 Select the Eicon DIVA T/A, then click Next.
8 Select the appropriate COM Port the DIVA T/A is connected to.
Click Next, then click finish.
Close the Modem Properties window.
10 After closing the Modem Properties window, you are prompted
to configure Dial-Up Networking, as the install Modem list has
changed. Click Yes to configure Dial-Up Networking.
11 From the Remote Access Setup window, remove any unused
devices that use the same COM port as the DIVA T/A, and then
click Add.
12 In the Add RAS Device window, select the Eicon DIVA T/A
PC Card from the drop-down list and click OK
13 From the Remote Access Setup window, click Continue. You
will be prompted to shutdown and restart your computer. Click
No. Do not restart your system
14 Go to page 20 and continue at the section “Installing the DIVA
T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 17
Wind ows NT 3.51
If you are going to use the DIVA T/A with RAS, RAS must already
be installed with at least one modem (any modem will do, it is only
needed to install the DIVA T/A and will later be removed). If this is
the case, follow the steps below. If you are not going to use RAS,
continue at “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.
1 Shutdown Windows NT and turn off your PC. After connecting
the cables (see “Connecting the Cables” on page 8), insert the
DIVA T/A, label side up, into the PC Card slot.
2 Start your computer and allow Windows NT to start.
3 Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
4 Open any text editor.
5 Using your text editor, open the file MODEM.INF found in the
Windows\System32\RAS directory.
6 Open the file WFWNTEIC.INF found on the DIVA T/A CD
(\WIN 32).
7 Copy the contents of WFWNTEIC.INF and append it to the end
of the MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file,
and exit your text editor.
8 You must now start the RAS setup program. From the Control
Panel, double-click the Network icon. From the Installed
Network Software list, select Remote Access Service and click
9 From the RAS setup, remove the unused modem or any other
devices that use the same COM port as the DIVA T/A, add the
DIVA T/A, and then exit RAS. Refer to the RAS online help for
removing and adding modems.
10 After exiting the RAS setup, you are prompted to reboot your
PC. Click OK and allow your PC to reboot and Windows NT to
restart. To shutdown the RAS server, double-click the Remote
Access Admin icon in the Remote Access Service program
group. From the Remote Access Admin Server menu select
“Stop Remote Access Server”, and then exit the Remote Access
Admin program.
Continue at “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 18
Wind ows 3.x/ WFW 3.11
Note: If you are installing the DIVA T/A on a system without a CD
drive, it is possible to make disks from the DIVA T/A CD on another
machine. To create the disks, follow the instructions in the
MAKEDISK.TXT file located in the \WIN16\MAKEDISK directory of
your DIVA T/A CD.
If you are going to use the DIVA T/A with RAS for WFW, RAS must
already be installed with at least one modem (any modem will do, it is
only needed to properly install the DIVA T/A and will later be
removed). If you are not going to use RAS, continue at “Installing the
DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.
1 After connecting the cables (See “Connecting the Cables” on
page 8), start your computer. After Windows has started, insert
the DIVA T/A label side up, into the PC Card Slot.
2 Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer's CD drive, or the
DIVA T/A Win 3.x Setup disk 1 into your diskette drive.
3 With any text editor, open the file MODEM.INF found in the
Windows/System directory.
4 Open the file WFWNTEIC.INF found on the DIVA T/A CD
(\WIN16) or diskette.
5 Copy the contents of WFWNTEIC.INF to the end of the
MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file, and
exit your text editor.
6 Start the RAS setup program.
7 From the RAS setup, change the unused modem to the
DIVA T/A. Refer to the RAS online help to change modems.
Go to the section “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 19
Insta lling the DIVA T/ A Softwa re
Note: there is no Setup Wizard for DOS or OS/2. If you are using
DOS or OS/2, go to the section ‘Using the VT100 Configuration
Tool” on page 46.
The DIVA T/A Setup Wizard installs all necessary DIVA T/A files on
your system. These include:
the DIVA T/A on-line documentation
the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program, which includes
the Configuration Wizard (Windows 95 and NT only)
the Windows Configuration Tool (Windows 3.x & WFW 3.11)
the DIVA T/A Uninstall Utility
To install the DIVA T/A Software:
1 Insert the DIVA T/A CD, and enter d:\SETUP.EXE in the Run
field of the Start menu or File menu (where d: is the drive letter
of your CD drive). The CD Setup screen appears, go to step 2
and continue.
Note: If you are using diskettes to install the software on a
3.x/WFW 3.11 system, type a:\Setup.exe (where a: is your
diskette drive). Skip to step 3 and continue.
2 From the CD Setup screen, select “Start Eicon DIVA Terminal
Adapters Installation Now”; this starts the Setup Wizard.
Note: The CD Setup screen also gives you the choice to view the
online DIVA T/A User’s Guide, Reference Guide, or Release
Notes, before installing the DIVA T/A software.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 20
3 Click Next in the Setup Wizard’s “Welcome” screen.
4 Specify where you want to install the DIVA T/A software. Click
next to install in the default directory (the default directory
differs according to your platform); otherwise, click the browse
button and select a directory, then click Next.
The Setup Wizard installs all necessary files.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 21
5 Click Finish.
The software installation is complete. You must now configure your
DIVA T/A with one or more configuration profiles. Do one of the
Windows 3.x users. If you are using Window’s 3.x, the
Windows 3.x Configuration tool appears. Go to the Section
Using the Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11 Configuration Tool on page
Windows 95 and NT users. If you are using Windows 95 or
NT, the New Devices Detected window appears. Select the
DIVA T/A PC Card. Click OK to start the Windows 95/NT
Configuration Wizard; continue at step 6 below.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 22
6 On the Configuration Wizard, click Next; follow the
Configuration Wizard’s on-screen instructions (if a working
configuration is detected, you are notified and allowed to skip
the Wizard).
Note: Context sensitive help is available on all the Configuration
Wizard’s screens. For more details about a particular field
displayed on the screen, click the Question Mark “?” icon at the
top left corner of the screen, then click on the field you’re having
trouble with.
Note: You should not click the Configure button unless you
know all your ISDN parameters and want to configure them
manually. If you click Configure, the Wizard closes and the
Windows 95/NT Configuration Tool starts. If you select this
option go to step 3 of the section “Configuring Profiles under
Windows 95/NT” on page 30.
When the “Congratulations” screen appears the installation is
complete. Click Finish.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 23
The Wizard closes and the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters
program appears (see “The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters
Program” on page 25 for more details).
The installation under Windows 95/NT is complete and your DIVA
T/A is ready to use.
If you want to configure additional profiles or configure advanced
ISDN parameters for the profile you created above, go to the section
“Using the Windows 95/NT Configuration Tool” on page 28.
If you want to use your DIVA T/A, go the section “Using the DIVA
T/A” on page 58.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 24
The Eic on DIVA Te rm ina l Ad a p te rs
Prog ra m
Note: This section applies to Windows 95 and NT users only.
The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program provides you with a
variety of convenient utilities.
To access the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters program, do one of the
Click the
icon on your task bar (Windows 95 only).
From the Windows taskbar click Start, then select
Programs\Eicon DIVA T-A PC Card\Eicon DIVA Terminal
The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program appears as below.
Ge tting He lp
The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters program includes extensive on-
line help. To get help, select Help\Help Topics from the menu bar.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 25
Me nu Op tions
The menu bar provides you with a variety of shortcuts and utilities.
You can launch commands from drop-down menus or by clicking
Disp la ying Ic ons on the Toolb a r
To display icons on the Menu bar select View\Toolbar (some icons
appear by default).
The Toolbar pick list displays four options: Basic, Advanced, View,
and Tools. Click an option to have its associated icons displayed on
the tool bar (a check mark to the left of an option indicates the
option is selected). Click Enable to select or deselect all items.
The following table describes the action that each icon performs (to
ensure you can see all the icons, select View\Toolbar; select all the
or Select
To perform this Action
Open Windows 95/NT Profiles
Window. Use it when you want to
create, modify, or select a profile.
See the section “Using the Windows
95/NT Configuration Tool” on page
28 for more details.
Opens the Windows 95/NT
Configuration Tool (with the Active
Profile selected). See the section
“Using the Windows 95/NT
Configuration Tool” on page 28 for
more details.
Downloads new Firmware. See the
section “Updating the DIVA T/A
Firmware” on page 53 for more
Resets your DIVA T/A to the original
factory settings.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 26
or Select
To perform this Action
Displays a panel that contains details
about your DIVA T/A. Use it if you
need to determine details about your
configuration (such as your firmware
Deletes the device currently selected.
File\Import Profiles Imports all profiles (configured or not)
to the selected device.
Exports a profile from the selected
device. Before updating firmware it is
strongly recommended that you
export your current profiles.
Refreshes information about the
selected device.
Opens the Make New Connection
dialog box. Configured Dial-Up
Networking connection are available
from the drop down list. If you are
using Windows NT, you can use this
option to run RAS.
Opens the Windows Modem
Properties box.
Note: You can also open a terminal emulation program by selecting
Tools\Terminal from the menu bar. The tool is used primarily for
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 27
Using the Wind ows 95/ NT Config ura tion Tool
This section shows you how to use the Windows 95/NT Configuration
Tool to create one or more configuration profiles.
Ab out Config ura tion Profile s
A profile is a set of parameters that define a particular ISDN setup.
When you run the Windows 95/NT Configuration Wizard for the first
time, you configure a profile with the default name Profile 0. In
addition to this profile, you can configure two other profiles that
define different ISDN setups (corresponding to the needs of different
applications). You might, for example, configure profiles to match the
ISDN setup needed to connect to your office, your Internet Service
Provider (ISP), and CompuServe. When you need a particular ISDN
configuration, you simply select the appropriate profile. This saves
you the trouble of reconfiguring all your ISDN parameters each time
you switch applications.
Note: When you use the Configuration Wizard to configure a profile,
you cannot set Advanced ISDN parameters (default settings are
implemented). If you want to modify these parameters, use the
Configuration Tool.
A profile contains information about the following:
Protocol. Your ISDN protocol. It must match the protocol
implemented at the other end of the connection.
Primary Location. The primary location’s ISDN switch type,
telephone number(s), and SPID(s), as required.
Alternate Location. The alternate location’s ISDN switch type,
telephone number(s), and SPID(s), as required.
Advanced. Advanced ISDN parameters such as Bandwidth
Allocation Protocol/Bandwidth on Demand (BACP/BOD), Data
Over Voice (DOV), and Cost Reduction Parameters. This
information is optional.
Ab out Prim a ry a nd Alte rna te Loc a tions
Each profile can contain a Primary and an Alternate location. If the
DIVA T/A cannot connect using the Primary location parameters, it
automatically tries again using the Alternate location parameters.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 28
For example, if you work mainly at home, and occasionally at the
office, you can configure a profile that has your home as the Primary
location and your office as the Alternate location. When you place a
call, the DIVA T/A first tries to connect using the parameters
specified for your home. If it cannot establish a connection, it will try
again using your office parameters.
Using Conte xt Se nsitive He lp
Context sensitive help is available on all of the Configuration Tool’s
screens. For more details about a particular field, click the Question
Mark “?” icon at the top right corner of the screen, then click on the
field you’re having trouble with.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 29
Config uring Profile s und e r Wind ows 95/ NT
Follow the steps below to configure a profile:
Do one of the following:
Click the
icon on your task bar (Windows 95 only).
From the windows taskbar click Start, then select
Programs\Eicon DIVA T-A PC Card\Eicon DIVA Terminal
2 From the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapter Program, click the
DIVA T/A icon; the Profiles Window appears.
3 From the Profiles window, select a profile from the Profiles list
(three default names appear: Profile 0, Profile 1, Profile 2). Click
Note: If you want to change the default name of a profile, select the
profile and click Rename. Change the name and continue.
Note: If you have a North American version of the DIVA T/A, the
Configuration Wizard can automatically detect your SPIDs (ISDN
number(s) can also be detected if your line features AutoSPID). If
you want to use the Configuration Wizard, click the Wizard button.
Follow the Wizard’s on-screen instructions. (See also AutoSPID on
page 76).
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 30
4 From the Protocol tab, select the ISDN connection protocol that
you want to use (it must match the protocol on the receiving
system). Follow the guidelines below.
Protocol Guidelines:
For most connections, the default Multilink PPP is used. If it
is not supported, use PPP (for single B-channel connections),
V.120, or V.110 (International Firmware only).
Both PPP and Multilink PPP require that a PPP
communications stack be installed on your computer.
For security purposes, Multilink PPP does not support the
callback feature used by some servers.
When using Multilink PPP for
calls, only SPAP or
PAP authentication are supported.
(Windows NT only) If you want to support
with Windows NT RAS Server, you must enable the parameter
“Allow clear text authentication” in the RAS Server setup.
Refer to the RAS online help for more information.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 31
5 Select the Primary Location tab.
Note: The screen above depicts the North American version of
the Configuration Tool; if you are using an international
version of the software, the screen does not contain Service
Profile ID fields.
Specify the Primary Location’s parameters.
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion a nd Va lue s
Switch Type
Specifies the ISDN switch type used by your
ISDN service provider.
North American firmware: For most
locations Auto-Detect should be selected
(Default). If the ISDN Switch Type cannot be
automatically detected, specify National
ISDN-1 (NI-1) or AT&T (5ESS)
International (Excluding North America)
firmware: Europe (Euro ISDN), Japan (INS-
Net64), and Australia (TPH1962). The
default setting is Europe.
Note: Australia has two different switch types
available: TPH1962 and EuroISDN. Ask your
ISDN provider how to set your switch type.
Use 2 Numbers Activates the “2nd Number tab”. Use the
second number tab if your ISDN provider
assigns two numbers.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 32
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion a nd Va lue s
(1st Number/2nd
Specifies your ISDN number(s).
Note: If you are using a North American
version of the DIVA T/A and your line
supports AutoSPID, ISDN numbers are
automatically detected. For more
information on AutoSPID, refer to page 76.
Profile ID
(1st Number/2nd
Specifies your SPID Number(s). The ISDN
switch uses the SPID number to identify
your ISDN equipment. Your ISDN
provider assigns your SPID number(s).
North America
If your line supports AutoSPID, SPID
numbers are automatically detected. For
more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 76
Deselecting the SPID checkbox disables
SPID terminal initialization and configures
the port as a Non-Initializing Terminal.
For more information on Non-Initializing
Terminal mode, refer to page 77.
6 If you want to include an Alternate Location in the profile, select
the Alternate tab. Follow the guidelines in step 5.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 33
7 Select the Advanced tab. Configure the parameters.
Note: The screen depicts the North American Configuration
Tool; if you are have an International software version, the
screen doesn’t contain “DOV” and “AutoSPID Settings” fields.
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion a nd Va lue s
Note: Only applicable if your ISDN connection
protocol is Multilink PPP.
Activates the DIVA T/A’s automatic traffic
monitor for multilink PPP Connections. When
activated, this function monitors the send-and-
receive traffic volume, and opens or closes your
second B-channel as the traffic warrants.
Bandwidth on
Activate this function to ensure that two B-
channels are never active when one is
sufficient, thus reducing the chargeable time
payable to your ISDN provider.
Note: Be sure to configure the Cost Reduction
Timers to avoid numerous first interval charges.
If you select BACP, but do not set the Cost
Reduction Timers, you could incur unnecessary
expense as your second B-channel might open
and close frequently, costing you the first-
interval amount each time the second B-channel
Default: BACP/BOD enabled
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 34
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Note: Only applicable if your ISDN connection
protocol is Multilink PPP.
Note: You must activate BACP/BOD before
setting the timers.
Set these timers if your ISDN Service Provider
charges one rate for the first interval of time on-
line (a fixed period, for example the first 5
minutes), and a different rate for subsequent
time on-line. Setting these timers ensures your
second B-channel is used most economically.
Initial Billing Interval: Specifies the length of
the first billing interval (in seconds). For
example, if your provider charges a fixed $X for
the first 5 minutes enter 300.
Note: Setting the timer to 0 disables it. The
Billing Interval timer is also, effectively
Default: 60 seconds.
Billing Interval: Specifies the increments your
Service Provider uses to bill subsequent usage of
your ISDN line (usage after the initial Billing
Interval expires). For example if your Provider
charges $Y per minute for each minute
following the Initial Billing Interval, enter 60.
Note: Setting the timer to 0 disables it. The
Initial Billing Interval remains in effect.
Default: 60 seconds.
Data Over
Note: Available on North American models
Specifies Data Over Voice Bearer Capability as
the outgoing call type.
If voice calls are less expensive than data calls in
your tariff area, you can select this option. DOV
calls are data calls made over a BRI line using
Voice Bearer Capability.
For DOV to work, the remote device to which
you are connecting must support incoming DOV
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 35
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Note: Available on North American models
Select the location to which the AutoSPID
settings will be saved on power up.
For more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 76.
8 Click OK or Apply to save the selections made in steps 1-7. The
Profiles window opens.
9 If you want the profile to be active when you restart the DIVA
T/A, select its name from the Active Profiles pick list. If you
want a different profile to be implemented, select it from the list.
10 Click OK to save the selection. The DIVA T/A restarts
automatically; the profile you selected in step 9 is implemented.
Your DIVA T/A is ready for use.
After the DIVA T/A has restarted, check the D LED on the DIVA
T/A. If the LED is steady or flashing intermittently, the DIVA T/A is
working correctly; if the LED is not steady, check your configuration
and try again. Refer to “LED Status Indicators on the DIVA T/A” on
page 81 for more information.
For more information on using your DIVA T/A go to the section
“Using the DIVA T/A” on page 58.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 36
Using the Wind ows 3.x/ WFW 3.11
Config ura tion Tool
The DIVA T/A Windows Configuration Tool allows you to view the
DIVA T/A version and firmware properties, download updated
versions of the firmware, and configure dialing and communication
Ve rifying Firm wa re
This section describes how to verify the firmware version currently
loaded on your DIVA T/A and download a newer version.
1 From the DIVA T/A PC Card Properties screen, select a DIVA
T/A and click Properties.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 37
2 The Card Properties screen opens. Use the screen to:
Download updated firmware, or
Change your regional firmware
To download updated firmware, go to the section “Updating the
DIVA T/A Firmware” on page 53 of this guide.
To change your regional firmware, follow the steps below:
a) Select your geographic location from the ISDN Type field.
b) Confirm your firmware change by clicking OK in the
Configuration Tool prompt.
c) Configure the ISDN line to match your new location.
Config uring Profile s
The DIVA T/A configuration settings are organized into profiles and
saved in the card’s non-volatile memory. The DIVA T/A comes
equipped with a factory profile which requires only your ISDN
information to establish a factory Multilink PPP connection.
Profiles store unique configuration settings containing location-
specific information. You can define up to three different profiles.
Each profile can contain a Primary and an Alternate location. If the
DIVA T/A cannot connect using the Primary location parameters, it
automatically tries again using the Alternate location parameters.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 38
For example, if you work mainly at home, and occasionally at the
office, you can configure a profile that has your home as the Primary
location and your office as the Alternate location. When you place a
call, the DIVA T/A first tries to connect using the parameters
specified for your home. If it cannot establish a connection, it will try
again using your office parameters.
To configure a profile:
1 From the DIVA T/A PC Card Properties screen, select a DIVA
T/A and click Profile Properties.
2 Select a profile from the list (Profile 0, Profile 1, or Profile 2),
and click Configure Profile.
Note: You can change a profile name by clicking Rename
Profile, then typing the new name.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 39
3 The Profile Configuration Tool appears:
Note: The screen above depicts the North American version of
the configuration tool; if you are using an international version
of the software, the screen does not contain Service Profile ID
Configure the following parameters:
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Local Switch Type
Specifies the ISDN switch type used by
your ISDN service provider.
North American firmware: For
most locations, the default North
America (Auto-Detect) should be
used. If the ISDN Switch Type cannot
be automatically detected, specify
National ISDN-1 (NI-1) or AT&T
International (Excluding North
America) firmware: Europe (Euro
ISDN), Japan (INS-Net64), and
Australia (TPH1962). The default
setting is Europe.
Note: Australia has two different
switch types available: TPH1962 and
EuroISDN. Ask your ISDN provider
how to set your switch type.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 40
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Connect using this Specifies the ISDN connection protocol
you want to use (it must match the protocol
on the receiving system). For most
connections, the default Multilink PPP
should be used. If the default is not
supported, PPP for single B-channel
connections, V.120 and V.110 can also be
Both PPP and Multilink PPP require that a
PPP communications stack be installed on
your computer.
If your workstation is configured as a
Windows for Workgroups Remote Access
Service (RAS) client, you must configure
the V.120 rate adaption protocol on both
the DIVA T/A workstation and on the
remote device (RAS Server ISDN adapter).
Note: For security purposes, Multilink PPP
does not support the callback feature used
by some servers.
Warning: When using Multilink PPP for
incoming calls, only SPAP or PAP
authentication are supported.
(Windows NT only) To support incoming
calls with Windows NT RAS Server, you
must enable the parameter “Allow clear
text authentication” in the RAS Server
setup. Refer to the RAS online help for
information on how to configure this
Telephone Number Specifies your ISDN number(s). You can
(1st/2nd Number)
specify either one or two ISDN numbers
(1stand 2nd). Specify two numbers if your
ISDN provider assigns two different
Note: If you are using a North American
version of the DIVA T/A and your line
supports AutoSPID, ISDN numbers are
automatically detected. For more
information on AutoSPID, refer to page 76.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 41
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Enable 2nd Number Permits the DIVA T/A to use 2nd Number
information. If your ISDN provider assigns
you two different numbers, select Enable
2nd Number.
Service Profile ID
Specifies your SPID Number(s). The ISDN
switch uses the SPID number to identify
your ISDN equipment. Your ISDN
(1st/2nd Number)
provider assigns your SPID number(s).
North America
If your line supports AutoSPID, SPID
numbers are automatically detected. For
more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 76.
Deselecting the SPID checkbox disables
SPID terminal initialization and configures
the port as a Non-Initializing Terminal.
For more information on Non-Initializing
Terminal mode, refer to page 77.
If you want to include an Alternate Location in the profile, click
Alternate. Follow the guidelines in step 3. When you are
finished, click Primary to return to the Profile Configuration
Click the Advanced button to open the Advanced window.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 42
6 In the Advanced window, configure the advanced parameters.
Use the table below as a guideline.
Note: The above screen depicts the North American software; if
you are using an International version of the software, the
“DOV” and “AutoSPID Settings” fields do not appear.
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
BACP/BOD Note: Only applicable if your ISDN connection
protocol is Multilink PPP.
Activates the DIVA T/A’s automatic traffic
monitor for multilink PPP Connections. When
activated, this function monitors the send-and-
receive traffic volume, and opens or closes your
second B-channel as the traffic volume warrants.
on Demand)
Activate this function to ensure that two B-
channels are never active when one is sufficient,
thus reducing the chargeable time payable to
your ISDN provider.
Note: Be sure to configure the Cost Reduction
Timers to avoid numerous first interval charges.
If you select BACP, but do not set the Cost
Reduction Timers, you could incur unnecessary
expense as your second B-channel might open
and close frequently, costing you the first-
interval amount each time the second B-channel
Default: BACP/BOD enabled.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 43
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Note: Only applicable if your ISDN connection
protocol is Multilink PPP.
Note: You must activate BACP/BOD before
setting the timers.
Set these timers if your ISDN Service Provider
charges one rate for the first interval of time on-
line (a fixed period, for example the first 5
minutes), and a different rate for subsequent
time on-line. Setting these timers ensures your
second B-channel is used most economically.
Initial Billing Interval: Specifies the length of
the first billing interval (in seconds). For
example, if your provider changes a fixed $X for
the first 5 minutes, enter 300.
Note: Setting the timer to 0 disables it. The
Billing Interval timer is also disabled.
Default: 60 seconds.
Billing Interval: Specifies the increments your
Service Provider uses to bill subsequent usage of
your ISDN line (usage after the initial Billing
Interval expires). For example if your Provider
charges $Y per minute for each minute
following the Initial Billing Interval, enter 60.
Note: Setting the timer to 0 disables it. The
Initial Billing Interval remains in effect.
Default: 60 seconds.
Data Over
Note: Available on North American models
Specifies Data Over Voice Bearer Capability as
the outgoing call type.
If voice calls are less expensive than data calls in
your tariff area, you can select this option. DOV
calls are data calls made over a BRI line using
Voice Bearer Capability.
For DOV to work, the remote device you are
connecting must support incoming DOV calls.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 44
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Note: Available on North American models
Select the location to which the AutoSPID
settings will be saved on power up.
For more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 76.
Click OK to close the Advanced window.
Click OK to close the Profile Configuration window.
If you want the profile you just configured to be implemented
click OK; if you want another profile to be implemented, select
it from the Default profile and then click OK. The DIVA T/A
restarts automatically and implements the profile you have
After the DIVA T/A has restarted, check the D LED. If the LED is
steady or flashing intermittently, the DIVA T/A is working correctly;
if is not, check your configuration and try again. For more details,
refer to “LED Status Indicators on the DIVA T/A” on page 81.
You are ready to use your ISDN connection. Continue at “Using the
DIVA T/A” on page 58.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 45
Using the VT100 Config ura tion Tool
This section describes how to use the VT100 Configuration Tool to
configure your DIVA T/A under DOS and OS/2. The VT100
Configuration Tool is incorporated in the DIVA T/A firmware. It lets
you configure basic ISDN-specific parameters.
Note: When using DOS, make sure that DOS Card services is
installed and working. Use the DOS Card Services to record the COM
Port, IRQ, and Port address assigned to your PC Card slot.
To activate the VT100 Configuration tool:
1 Start the VT100-compatible terminal-emulation program. Set up
your VT100 terminal-emulation program (for example, Telix or
HyperAccess), using the table below as a guideline:
Pa ra m e te r
Se tting
Terminal Emulation Type VT100/VT102
Local Echo
CR Translation
LF after CR
2 Verify that the terminal emulation program uses the same COM
port as that assigned to the DIVA T/A.
3 Enter the following command at the prompt and press Enter:
The main VT100 Configuration Tool screen opens:
DIVA T/A - North American Version 1.5.1
Copyright (c) 1997 Eicon Technology Corporation
|MENU: Main menu
|Current profile|
|Profile 0
|Profile 1
|Profile 2
Open Profile: Current profile
Primary ISDN Param.: < press Enter >
Alternate ISDN Param.: < press Enter >
|Factory profile|
Protocol: Multilink PPP
Advanced: < press Enter >
Powerup Profile: Profile 0
Save Profile: Profile 0
Restart Card: Profile 0
|<ESC> Quit
| Selects which profile to open: current, stored (0,1,2) or factory.
-Loads the current profile.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 46
Na vig a ting in the VT100 Config ura tion Tool Sc re e n
The following table describes the function keys that let you
navigate the VT100-Configuration-Tool screen:
Ke y
Func tion
Up arrow
Moves the cursor to the previous field.
Down arrow Moves the cursor to the next field.
Right arrow Displays the sub-menu level. In a text field, it
moves the cursor one character to the right.
Left arrow
Displays the previous menu level. In a text field, it
moves the cursor one character to the left.
Displays the sub-menu level.
Displays the next field
Space bar
Displays the next choice available (in fields
offering multiple choices)
Selects a specific field. Press F2, and enter the
letter corresponding to the field you want to edit.
Toggles between text and graphics modes (text
mode is the default).
Cancels your configuration setting (if a change was
made) or moves to the previous menu level (if no
change was made).
4 From Open Profile in the Main Menu, toggle the Space Bar to
select the profile to be configured.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 47
5 In the Protocols field of the Main Menu, specify the B-channel
protocol you want to use (note: the protocol must match the
protocol on the receiving system). For most connections, the
default Multilink PPP should be used. If the default is not
supported, PPP for single B-channel connections, V.120 and
V.110 can also be used. Both PPP and Multilink PPP require
that a PPP communications stack be installed on your computer.
Warning: When using Multilink PPP for incoming calls, only
SPAP or PAP authentication are supported.
6 Select Primary or Alternate ISDN Parameters and press Enter to
open the configuration screen.
DIVA T/A - North American Version 1.5.1
Copyright (c) 1997 Eicon Technology Corporation
|MENU: Primary ISDN Param.
|National ISDN-1|
Switch Type: Auto-Detect
| Directory Number:
| Non-Initializing: No
| Directory Number:
| Non-Initializing: No
|<ESC> Previous menu
| Sets the appropriate primary switch type to use during card initialization. |
| Used with primary SPID and number.subaddress.
-Automatically selects National ISDN-1 or AT&T 5ESS.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 48
The following parameters must be configured for the Primary
and optionally, the Alternate location:
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Switch Type
Specifies the ISDN switch type used by
your ISDN service provider.
North America firmware: For most
locations, Auto-detect should be used. If
the ISDN Switch Type cannot be
automatically detected, specify National
ISDN-1 (NI-1) or AT&T (5ESS).
International (Excluding North America)
firmware: Europe (Euro ISDN), Japan
(INS-Net64), and Australia (TPH1962).
Note: Australia has two different switch
types available: TPH1962 and EuroISDN.
Check with your ISDN provider for more
information on how to set your switch type.
Service Profile
Applies to North American firmware only.
Identifier (SPID)
(1st/2nd Number)
Service Profile Identifier (SPID). A
number, specified by your ISDN provider,
which identifies your ISDN equipment to
the switch, and in most instances, is
automatically detected with AutoSPID. For
more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 76.
Directory Number
(1st/2nd Number)
Specifies your ISDN number(s). You can
specify either one or two ISDN numbers
(1stand 2nd). Specify two numbers if your
ISDN provider assigns two different
In most instances, Directory Numbers will
be automatically detected with AutoSPID.
For more information on AutoSPID, refer
to page 76.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 49
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Setting this parameter to Yes explicitly
disables SPID initialization and instructs
the DIVA T/A to start up in Non-
Initializing Terminal mode. For more
information on Non-Initializing Terminal
mode, refer to page 77.
After completing the ISDN parameters configuration, press
Escape to exit the ISDN Parameters menu.
From the Main menu, select Advanced and press Enter to open
the configuration screen.
DIVA T/A - North American Version 1.5.1
Copyright (c) 1997 Eicon Technology Corporation
|MENU: Advanced
Enable DOV: No
Enable BACP/BOD: Yes
| Initial Billing Interval: 60
Billing Interval: 60
|AutoSPID Location Storage: Primary
|<ESC> Previous menu
| ISDN Settings:
| Specifies Data Over Voice as the default outgoing call type.
The following parameters can be configured:
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Data Over Voice Note: Available on North American models
Specifies Data Over Voice Bearer
Capability as the outgoing call type.
If voice calls are less expensive than data
calls in your tariff area, you can select this
option. DOV calls are data calls made over
a BRI line using Voice Bearer Capability.
For DOV to work, the remote device to
which you are connecting must support
incoming DOV calls.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 50
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Note: Only applicable if your ISDN
connection protocol is Multilink PPP.
Activates the DIVA T/A’s automatic traffic
monitor for multilink PPP Connections.
When activated, this function monitors the
send-and-receive traffic volume, and opens
or closes your second B-channel as the
traffic volume warrants.
Activate this function to ensure that two B-
channels are never active when one is
sufficient, thus reducing the chargeable time
payable to your ISDN provider.
Note: Be sure to activate the Cost Reduction
Timers to avoid numerous first interval
charges. If you select BACP, but do not set
the Cost Reduction Timers, you could incur
unnecessary expense as your second B-
channel might open and close frequently,
costing you the first-interval amount each
time the second B-channel connects.
Default: BACP/BOD enabled
Note: Only applicable if your ISDN
connection protocol is Multilink PPP.
Note: You must activate BACP/BOD before
setting the timers.
Set these timers if your ISDN Service
Provider charges one rate for the first
interval of time on-line (a fixed period, for
example the first 5 minutes), and a different
rate for subsequent time on-line. Setting
these timers ensures your second B-channel
is used most economically.
Initial Billing Interval: Specifies the length
of the first billing interval (in seconds). For
example, if your provider changes a fixed
$X for the first 5 minutes enter 300.
Note: Setting the timer to 0 disables it. The
Billing Interval timer is also, effectively
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 51
Pa ra m e te r
De sc rip tion
Billing Interval: Specifies the increments
your Service Provider uses to bill
subsequent usage of your ISDN line (usage
after the initial Billing Interval expires).
For example if your provider charges $Y per
minute for each minute following the Initial
Billing Interval, enter 60.
Note: Setting the timer to 0 disables it. The
Initial Billing Interval remains in effect.
Default: 60 seconds.
Note: Available on North American models
Location Storage only.
Select the location to which the AutoSPID
settings will be saved on power up.
For more information on AutoSPID, refer to
page 76.
After completing the advanced parameters configuration, press
Escape to exit the Advanced menu.
From the Main menu, select Save Profile and press Enter to
save the changes made to the profile.
Select Restart Card. Verify that the correct startup profile is
After the DIVA T/A has restarted, verify that it is working correctly
by checking the DIVA T/A D LED. If the D LED is steady or flashing
intermittently, the DIVA T/A is working correctly. If it is not, check
the configuration and try again. For more details on the LEDs, refer to
“LED Status Indicators on the DIVA T/A” on page 81.
You are now ready to use your ISDN connection. Continue at the
section “Using the DIVA T/A.”
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 52
Up d a ting the DIVA T/ A Firm wa re
This section contains the procedures you should follow to load new
Up d a ting the DIVA T/ A Firm wa re (Wind ows NT a nd
Warning: You may lose your configuration when you download new
firmware. Save your current profile configurations. To do this, open
the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program and select Export Profile
from the File menu (see “The Eicon Terminal Adapters Program” on
page 25 for more information). Once you have downloaded the new
firmware, you can then select Import Profile and load the previously
saved profile configuration to your device.
To update your firmware:
1 From the Eicon Terminal Adapters Program, select the DIVA
Terminal Adapter to which you are going to download new
2 From the File menu, select Download Firmware (or click the
Download Firmware icon on the menu bar).
3 Click Yes when prompted if you want to continue.
4 Select the device with the required firmware and click OK (if
necessary click Have Firmware, and specify the path to the
firmware; click Open).
5 Click Yes when prompted if you want to continue. The new
firmware will be downloaded to the device. This will take a few
6 Click OK when the download is complete. The device will
automatically be refreshed.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 53
Up d a ting the DIVA T/ A Firm wa re (Wind ows 3.x/ WFW
Warning: When updating your DIVA T/A firmware, the current
profile configurations may get erased. Write down your settings,
which can be viewed with the Windows Configuration tool. From the
displayed information, record your ISDN parameter values on a sheet
of paper.
If you have installed the Windows Configuration Tool, follow the
steps below:
1 Backup the files ROM0NA.ELM and ROM0ROW.ELM from
the ELM subdirectory under the directory in which you installed
2 Copy the new files ROM0NA.ELM and ROM0ROW.ELM into
the ELM subdirectory under the directory in which you installed
3 Insert your DIVA T/A card.
4 Start the DIVA T/A Configuration Tool.
5 Select the DIVA T/A and click Properties.
6 Click Download.
7 Configure your DIVA T/A.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 54
Up d a ting or Cha ng ing the Re g iona l DIVA T/ A
Firm wa re (DOS, a nd OS/ 2)
Warning: When updating your DIVA T/A firmware, the current
profile configurations may get erased. Write down your settings,
which can be viewed with the AT command AT&V or AT@MENU,
using any terminal emulation program. From the displayed
information, record your ISDN parameter values on a sheet of paper.
This section shows you how to update or change the DIVA T/A’s
regional firmware. To update your DIVA T/A, follow the steps below:
1 Start terminal-emulation software capable of X-Modem transfer.
2 Configure the terminal to talk to the Eicon T/A COM port.
3 Type AT$Z.
4 At the '>>' prompt, type $Load.
Note: The $Load command is CASE-SENSITIVE.
5 Start the X-Modem transfer, if you are only changing your
regional firmware, select either ROM0NA.ELM for North
America, or ROM0ROW.ELM for the International (Excluding
North America) version from the \FIRMWARE directory on the
If you are updating your firmware, select either the updated
ROM0NA.ELM or ROM0ROW.ELM from wherever it is
located, e.g. your \TEMP directory, or from an updated
firmware disk.
6 Wait for the reply that denotes the successful transfer.
Warning: Powering off your system immediately following the
transfer could damage your DIVA T/A card. Wait just a few
moments until the delay following the transfer is complete.
7 Type AT to exit the '>>' prompt.
8 If required, reconfigure your card.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 55
Up d a ting the DIVA T/ A INF file (Wind ows
95/ Wind ows NT 4.0)
Follow the steps below to update the DIVA T/A INF file:
From the Windows Taskbar, click Start. Select Find. Select
Click Browse, and select the Windows\INF directory.
Click Advanced.
Enter "Eicon DIVA T/A" in the "Containing" field, and click
Rename each file found with the extension OLD.
Note: You should see the file: OEM#.INF or MDMEIC.INF.
Close the Find panel.
Open Control Panel and double-click the Modems icon.
Remove all listed DIVA T/A modems in the Modems applet.
Follow the steps below for the appropriate platform
Windows 95
Remove and re-insert your DIVA T/A.
10 When prompted for the disk or driver, select the directory
containing the new INF file.
Windows NT 4.0
From the Modems applet, click Add, then click Have Disk.
10 When prompted, enter the path to the new INF file, then click
OK. The DIVA T/A will be detected.
11 Select Eicon DIVA T/A, then click Next.
12 Select the appropriate COM Port, click Next, and then click
13 If you have RAS installed, you must re-configure RAS.
14 From the RAS setup, remove the listed DIVA T/A and then
re-add it. Refer to the RAS online help for removing and
adding modems.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 56
Up d a ting the DIVA T/ A INF file (Wind ows
3.x/ Wind ows NT 3.51)
Note: This section only applies if you are using RAS.
Follow the steps below to update the DIVA T/A INF file:
1 Open any text editor.
2 Open the file MODEM.INF found in the Windows/System
3 Remove all sections relating to the DIVA T/A
4 Open the updated file WFWNTEIC.INF.
5 Copy the contents of WFWNTEIC.INF to the end of the
MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file, and
exit your text editor.
6 If you have RAS installed, start the RAS setup program.
7 From the RAS setup, remove the listed DIVA T/A and then re-
add it. Refer to the RAS online help for removing and adding
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 57
Using the DIVA T/ A
Once you have installed and configured DIVA T/A, you can dial into
your office LAN or access the Internet. Before attempting this, make
sure that your PC is equipped with remote-access client software such
as Dial-Up Networking, Shiva PPP client, or Microsoft RAS client
Low Powe r Mod e
If your computer supports Advanced Power Management (APM) and
you are using Windows 95 OSR2 (Service Pack 2), then you can set
your DIVA T/A to be automatically turned off when not in use. To
enable this feature, follow these steps:
1 From Control Panel double-click the Power icon.
2 Click the PC Card tab and enable the “Turn off PC Card when
not in use” parameter.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 58
Se c ure ID Conne c tivity
If you want to use Secure ID, you must use the V.120 protocol. To
enable Secure ID connectivity (Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
1 From the Dial-Up Networking group, right-click the connection
on which you want to implement Secure ID, and select
2 Under the “Using” field, click Configure.
3 Click the Options tab and enable “Bring up terminal window
after dialing.” With “Bring up terminal window after dialing”
enabled, you are prompted for your user name and password
each time you establish a connection.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 59
Dia ling with Multilink PPP
When you establish a Multilink PPP connection, each B-channel
connects to a remote-directory number. In some ISDN
implementations each B-channel connects to a unique number. If this
is the case, enter both numbers and separate them with the character
“~” or “&”. For example, to make a Multilink PPP connection to the
numbers 1-514-555-2345 and 1-514-555-2346 enter the numbers as
Note: If your ISDN implementation requires two numbers and
BACP/BOD is enabled (on both your DIVA T/A and the remote ISDN
device), you have the option of entering only one number. BACP will
try to discover the second number and connect to it. If you know the
two numbers, however, it is recommended that you enter both.
For Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 only. If you use “~” or “&” to
separate the Phone-Numbers, deselect the “Use Country and area
code” parameter on the Properties tab of Dial-Up Networking (it
doesn’t work properly when “~” or “&” used). Manually enter the
Country Code, Area Code, and PBX Prefix (if required) for both
If both B-channels connect to the same number, the number need only
be entered once.
Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if you are not sure
whether you need one or two remote numbers.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 60
Esta b lishing a Conne c tion
Go to the section that corresponds to your platform and follow the
Wind ows 95
1 Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon.
2 Double-click Make New Connection. The Make New
Connection Wizard opens:
Select the Eicon DIVA T/A PC Card from the Select a modem
field, then click Next.
3 Enter the ISDN number and Country Code of the location you
wish to call, click Next, then click Finish.
4 Double-click the newly created My Connection icon.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 61
5 Enter your user name and password, and click Connect.
6 If you successfully establish the connection, you can
communicate with the remote host. If you do not establish the
connection, verify your Server Type and TCP/IP settings with
and alter them as required.
Wind ows NT 4.0
1 In the Dial-Up Networking folder, double-click the Make
Connection icon.
2 Click New.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 62
3 The Phonebook Entry Wizard opens. Click Next.
4 Check each applicable statement, then click Next.
5 Enter the phone number you want to call, then click Next.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 63
6 Click Finish.
7 Click Dial.
8 Enter your user name and password, then click OK.
9 If you successfully establish the connection, you can
communicate with the remote host. If you do not establish the
connection, verify your configuration and TCP/IP settings and
alter them as required.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 64
Wind ows NT 3.51
Note: The following example assumes you are using RAS.
1 In the Remote Access Service group, double-click Remote
2 Click Add.
3 Enter the name and phone number you want to call, then click
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 65
4 Click Dial.
5 Enter your user name and password, then click OK.
6 If you successfully establish the connection, you can
communicate with the remote host. If you do not establish the
connection, verify your configuration and TCP/IP settings, and
alter them as required.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 66
Wind ows 3.x
The following example assumes you are using the SHIVA PPP
protocol stack.
Note: If your workstation is configured as a Windows for Workgroups
Remote Access Service (RAS) client, you must configure the V.120
rate adaption protocol on both the DIVA T/A workstation and on the
remote device (RAS Server ISDN adapter).
If you are using the SHIVA PPP protocol stack (or similar), then you
can use PPP or MLPPP.
1 Ensure that the ShivaRemote connection software is installed on
your computer.
2 Double-click ShivaRemote Connect.
3 Enter your Dial-in Name, Password, and the phone number you
want to.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 67
4 Select the Tools menu, and choose Port Setup. Select the DIVA
T/A as the modem, then click OK.
5 Click Options.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 68
6 Ensure that IPX and/or IP are enabled, then click OK.
7 Click Connect.
8 If you successfully establish the connection, you can
communicate with the remote host. If you do not establish the
connection, verify your configuration and TCP/IP settings, and
alter them as required.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 69
1 Ensure that the ShivaRemote connection software (or similar) is
installed on your computer.
2 Enter the following command:
3 From the Tools menu, choose Port Setup and select the COM
4 Select Modems. Enter “Eicon DIVA T/A PC Card” in the
Modem Name field and set the speed to 115200 bps (or 230400
if your COM port supports it), then select OK.
5 Click Options.
6 Enable IP and/or IPX (as required), then select OK.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 70
7 Enter your user name, password, and the phone number you
want to dial, then click Connect.
8 If you successfully establish the connection, you can
communicate with the remote host. If you do not establish the
connection, verify your configuration and TCP/IP settings, and
alter them as required.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 71
OS/ 2
1 Double-click Programs, then double-click Internet Modems.
2 Double-click Dial Other Internet Providers.
3 Click Add Entry.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 72
4 Enter your Login ID, Password, and the Phone Number you
want to dial.
5 Click Connect Info, then enter your Domain Name server, your
Host Name, and your Server Name.
6 Click Modem Info. Select a Modem from the drop-down list,
then select the COM port assigned to the DIVA T/A PC Card.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 73
7 Click Dial to place your call.
8 If you successfully establish the connection, you can
communicate with the remote host. If you do not establish the
connection, verify your configuration and TCP/IP settings, and
alter them as required.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 74
Conne c ting to the World Wid e We b
To connect to the World Wide Web, follow the instructions in the
section “Establishing a Connection” on page 75; when the procedure
instructs you to enter a dial-up number, enter the number of your
Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Once you are successfully connected to your ISP, go to your desktop
and click the icon representing the “Browser” you want to use. The
“Browser” opens and you are ready to explore the World Wide Web.
Note: If you need help using your “Browser” or exploring the Web,
consult your “Browsers” on-line help.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 75
Autom a te d SPID Se le c tion
(AutoSPID) (North America only)
AutoSPID is a new National ISDN protocol feature that enables the
DIVA T/A to download a list of Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs),
Directory Number (DN) and Call Type (CT) information from the
ISDN line. It also enables the DIVA T/A to determine whether other
devices currently initialize the SPIDs.
Note: Check with your ISDN service provider to determine if they
support the AutoSPID feature.
This feature eliminates the need for you to configure any ISDN
AutoSPID works in the following manner:
If there are no SPIDs configured, or if current SPIDs are incorrectly
configured, then AutoSPID attempts to determine and then assign
SPIDs and DNs to the location designated to store the AutoSPID
If AutoSPID fails to detect the SPIDs, try entering the DNs (in a 10-
digit format) and the DIVA T/A will attempt to perform generic
SPID guessing.
Unless the SPIDs and DNs are configured correctly (whether
through AutoSPID, SPID guessing, or manually) ISDN will fail to
initialize (the D-LED flashes).
The only way to use the DIVA T/A without using SPIDs is to
configure the port as a Non-Initializing Terminal. Refer to the next
section “Non-Initializing Terminal Mode”, for more information.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 76
Non-Initia lizing Te rm ina l Mod e
(North America only)
Non-Initializing Terminal (NIT) mode is a new ISDN protocol feature
that enables the DIVA T/A to operate without SPIDs. You can use
NIT only if your ISDN provider supports it.
To configure the DIVA T/A for Non-Initializing Terminal mode,
deselect the SPID checkbox in the Windows Configuration Tool, or
specify Yes for the Non-Initializing parameter in the VT-100
Configuration Tool.
Note: Check with your ISDN service provider to determine if they
support Non-Initializing Terminal mode.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 77
Ap p e nd ix A: ISDN Line Te rm ina tion
This section applies to S/T interface users in Australia and North
America, and provides instructions to help set up termination
scenarios. Termination requirements vary according to: the number of
devices connected to the external NT1; and the distance between the
devices and the external NT1.
Insta lling a Te rm ina ting Re sistor
In some cases you may need to install a 50-ohm or 100 ohm
terminating resistor. The diagram below shows you correct way to
install the resistor.
Sing le ISDN De vic e
If the external NT1 is connected to a single ISDN device (e.g. DIVA
T/A), follow the instructions below.
75 meters or more
If the connection spans 75 meters (250 feet) or more, connect the 100-
ohm terminating resistor included with the S/T interface cable. Set the
external NT1 to provide 100 ohms of resistance. Consult the manual
provided with the external NT1 for more detailed instructions.
Note: Some external NT1s do not support connections over 75 meters
(250 feet). Check your user documentation to determine the distance
75 meters or less
If the connection spans less than 75 meters (250 feet), set the external
NT1 to 50 ohms of resistance, and do not connect the terminating
resistor. Consult the manual provided with the external NT1 for more
detailed instructions.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 78
Multip le ISDN De vic e s
If the external NT1 is connected to more than one ISDN device,
follow the procedures below.
75 meters or more
If the connection spans 75 meters (250 feet) or more, connect the 100-
ohm terminating resistor included with the S/T interface cable. Set the
other ISDN devices to 100 ohms of resistance, and the external NT1
to no resistance. Consult the manuals provided with the ISDN device
and external NT1 for more details.
Note: Some external NT1s do not support connections over 75 meters
(250 feet). Check your user documentation to determine the distance
75 meters or less
If the connection spans less than 75 meters (250 feet), set the external
NT1 to 50 ohms of resistance, and do not connect the terminating
resistor. Set the other ISDN devices to no resistance. Consult the
manuals provided with the external NT1 and other ISDN devices for
more detailed instructions.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 79
Ap p e nd ix B: Troub le shooting
the DIVA T/ A
This section provides troubleshooting information to help you solve
problems that may arise while using the DIVA T/A.
When isolating problems, consider the following questions:
Were any changes recently made to the configuration or setup
that may affect the DIVA T/A’s performance?
Does the problem occur while attempting to connect to a
remote device for the first time?
Is this a consistent problem that you can duplicate?
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 80
LED Sta tus Ind ic a tors on the DIVA T/ A
The DIVA T/A has two LEDs (D and B). When considered together,
these LEDs provide you with information about the status of your
ISDN connection.
The LEDs can be in one of four states: Off, On (constant glow),
Flashing, Intermittent Flashing (stays on longer than off). The table
below describes the possible states of the LEDs and what each state
Wha t it m e a ns
The ISDN Line is not activated. No connections are
currently active.
The D-channel is initializing.
The D-channel is initialized. Your ISDN line is
operational. Neither B-channel is connected (no data
transfer activity).
The DIVA T/A is dialing.
The D-channel is initialized. Your line is operational.
Data transfer is occurring on only one B-channel
(using 64 kbps bandwidth).
Intermittent The D-channel is initialized. Your line is operational.
Data transfer is occurring on both
B-channels (using maximum bandwidth 128 kbps).
The D-channel is initialized (with AO/DI employed).
Data transfer is occurring on the D-channel (extra
16K). Neither B-channel is connected.
Note: AO/DI will be available in a future update.
The D-channel is initialized (with AO/DI employed).
Data transfer is occurring on the D-channel and on
one B-channel (using extra 16K + 64 kbps bandwidth)
Note: AO/DI will be available in a future update.
Intermittent The D-channel is initialized (with AO/DI employed).
Data transfer is occurring on the D-channel and on
both B-channels (using extra 16K + 128 kbps
Note: AO/DI will be available in a future update.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 81
Com m on Prob le m s
Listed below are possible solutions to problems you may encounter:
Ca rd Se rvic e s d oe s not re c og nize your DIVA T/ A.
If PC Card Services does not recognize your DIVA T/A, check for a
memory conflict. Card Services software requires a 4K-memory
window to read the Card Information Structure (CIS) of the PC Card.
Exclude this window from your memory manager (EMM386.EXE).
To determine which window Card Services uses, refer to your Card
Services documentation.
Another possibility is that CARDID.EXE is not loaded using
Ca rd Se rvic e s d oe s not c onfig ure your DIVA T/ A.
If PC Card Services does not automatically configure your DIVA
T/A, your Card Services Generic Enable may be improperly
configured. Most Card Services provide Generic Enable that
automatically assigns the next available COM Port to the device. The
name of the Generic Enable may differ depending on your Card
Services provider. For more information, refer to your Card Services
“Port in Use ” Error.
The DIVA T/A uses a port that is already in use. Normally, PC Card
Services assigns a COM port to each newly inserted device and
maintains a list of COM ports in use. To solve this problem, have PC
Card Services assign an available port to the DIVA T/A.
“The COM Port is e ithe r in use or una va ila b le ” or
“Port not op e n” Errors.
The wrong Interrupt Request Line (IRQ) may be assigned to the COM
port. Most computers have pre-assigned IRQ numbers for each COM
port. If a conflict occurs, the DIVA T/A can use any IRQ. To solve
this problem, have PC Card Services reassign your COM port and
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 82
Your c om p ute r loc ks up .
You may have removed the DIVA T/A from the PC Card slot while a
communications program was running. Close all communications
programs before attempting to insert or remove the DIVA T/A.
Ca rd not d e te c te d in Wind ows 95 or Wind ows NT.
After selecting Eicon DIVA T/A in Modems, type ATI0 from any
terminal prompt and verify that the string 800-110-0x is returned.
Windows 95 does not recognize all 16-bit drivers, and may assign the
DIVA T/A to a COM port already in use by a driver not recognized
by Windows 95.
IRQ se tting ne e d s to b e c ha ng e d .
Some forms of Cards and Socket Services require only that you reboot
your computer to reset the IRQ assignments. Windows 95, however,
requires that you configure the new IRQ settings in the System applet
in Control Panel.
.INF file s ne e d to b e up d a te d .
Refer to the section “Updating the DIVA T/A INF file (Windows
95/Windows NT 4.0)” on page 56.
Se c ure ID is not working with the DIVA T/ A.
The DIVA T/A supports only Secure ID under the V.120 or PPP
protocol, and does not permit using Multilink PPP with Secure ID
The insta ll d e te c ts a nd a d d s the DIVA T/ A, b ut
re turns a “m od e m not re sp ond ing ” m e ssa g e
Contact your vendor or Eicon Technology for support.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 83
Dum p ing the DIVA T/ A Me m ory
Should a fatal error occur while the DIVA T/A is being used, you will
need to capture a memory dump of the card. The following events are
symptomatic of a fatal error:
all connections are dropped
D-channel and B-channel LED status indicators are flashing
The DIVA T/A does not respond to AT commands, even after
exiting and restarting the terminal emulation program
if the DIVA T/A is removed and then re-inserted into its slot,
the following message is displayed in the terminal emulation
EiconCard Fatal Error (error description)>>
Note: If you receive the Fatal Error message above, do not
type AT at the >> prompt. Instead, jump directly to Step 6 in
the steps below.
Follow the steps below to obtain a card dump:
1 The sequence of steps for performing a card dump differ
depending upon whether the system still responds to AT
commands. Refer to the following table and perform the
appropriate action:
AT Com m a nd s Re sp onse
Ste p Se q ue nc e
Normal response
Enter AT$Z <Enter> to display the
prompt (>>). Continue from step 5.
No response
Continue from step 2.
2 Make sure to exit any terminal emulation program application
that may send characters to the DIVA T/A COM port.
3 Remove your DIVA T/A card from the slot and immediately
reinsert it.
4 Execute a terminal emulation program and open the COM port
associated with your DIVA T/A card.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 84
5 Press Enter. Your system should respond with the prompt (>>).
If the prompt does not appear, exit your terminal emulation
program and restart from step 2.
Note: Do not type AT at the >> prompt.
6 At the prompt (>>), enter the following command:
$Dump <Enter>
Note This command is case-sensitive.
The system responds with the following display:
Please start XMODEM reception of dump file
7 Use the XMODEM transfer protocol built into your terminal
emulation program to receive the dump file. After the transfer is
completed, a message similar to the following is displayed:
Dump completed (239104 bytes sent)
If the transfer appears completed but no message is displayed,
press Enter to repeat the message.
8 To return to the prompt (>>), enter the following:
9 When the prompt (>>) is displayed, you can then enter AT
command mode with the following command to restart your
AT <Enter>
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 85
DIVA T/ A Firm wa re Sp e c ific a tions
Softwa re Fe a ture
Sup p orte d on the DIVA T/ A
WAN Protocols
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
ISDN (Q.921/Q.931: NI-1, AT&T 5ESS
Custom, Euro-ISDN, TPH1962/TS-013, and
V.120 Rate Adaption
V.110 Rate Adaption
Single- and multi-link PPP async-to-sync
Multilink PPP support
Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
(BACP)/Bandwidth on Demand (BOD)
Data Compression (MPPC, STAC, Ascend
MS-CHAP compatible
Fully compatible with SPAP (Shiva
Password Authentication Protocol) in both
PPP and Multilink PPP modes.
Management and
SPID Wizard
Windows Configuration Tool
VT-100 Terminal Emulation
AT Commands
Firmware upgrades using XModem
Download or the Windows Configuration
Plug and Play
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 86
DIVA T/ A Ha rd wa re Sp e c ific a tions
Ha rd wa re Fe a ture
Sup p orte d on the DIVA T/ A
ISDN Interface
Bus Type
Non-Volatile Configuration
4 Kbyte non-volatile memory for
storing configuration profiles.
Environmental Requirements
Operating Temperature
32F to 122F (0C to 50C)
0 to 90% non-condensing
86 to 106 kPa
Operating Humidity
Operating Pressure
Power Requirements
200 mA at +5 Volts (+/- 5%
maximum variation in power
FCC Part 15 Class B & Part 68
CE 168
IC (formerly DOC)
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 87
Custom e r Se rvic e
To obtain technical support, contact either Eicon Technology or your
Eicon Technology supplier, depending on your location. From some
regions, you can save time and long-distance charges by faxing Eicon
Technology a description of your situation. Customer Services
personnel will then call you with a solution or a request for additional
In the United States, Central and South America, Western
Canada (Manitoba westward), and the Canadian Maritimes
(New Brunswick eastward), call our Dallas office at 972-417-
5515 or send a fax marked “Attn.: Customer Services” to 972-
In Eastern Canada (Ontario and Quebec), call our Montreal
office at 514-745-5577 and ask for Customer Services, or send
a fax marked “Attn.: Customer Services” to 514-745-5502.
In Europe, Russia, Iceland, Africa, and the Middle East, contact
your Eicon Technology supplier.
In the following Asian and Pacific countries, call our Sydney
office at +61-2-9919-7200 and ask for Customer Services, or
send a fax marked “Attn.: Customer Services” to +61-2-9929-
6300: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore,
Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
In any other region, contact the closest office or supplier.
Eic on Te c hnolog y on the World Wid e We b
You can find ISDN-related information and general information about
Eicon Technology products and services from our web sites at the
following addresses:
Eic on Te c hnolog y on Com p uSe rve
The Eicon Technology forum on CompuServe provides an
inexpensive way to get up-to-date advice and patches. If you are
already a CompuServe member, enter “go eicon” at any ! prompt.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 88
Inte rna tiona l Re g ula tory
Inform a tion a nd Cond itions of Use
Re g ula tory Inform a tion for the Unite d Sta te s:
FCC Wa rning
De c la ra tion of Conform ity
Eicon Technology Inc.
2155 Chenault Drive
Suite 503
Carrollton, Texas
USA 75006
(972) 417-5500
Declare under our sole legal responsibility that the product to which this declaration relates,
are in conformity with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by Eicon
Technology Corporation could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Part 68 Notice
This unit complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On the bottom of this equipment is a label
that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number. If requested, this
information must be provided to the telephone company.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 89
An FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment,
designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible
modular jack which is Part 68 compliant.
This equipment cannot be used on telephone company-provided coin service. Connection to
party line service is subject to state tariffs.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify
you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. If advance notice
isn't practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you
will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or
procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone
company will provide advance notice in order for you to make the necessary modifications
in order to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, please contact us for repair and warranty
information. If the trouble is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company
may request you remove the equipment from the network until the problem is resolved.
Facility Interface code: 02IS5
Digital Reg. code for S/T interface: XD
Services order code: 6.0N
Should you experience trouble with this equipment, please contact the address listed on the
previous page.
Re g ula tory Inform a tion for Ca na d a
NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means
that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and
safety requirements. Industry Canada does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the
user’s satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to
the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed
using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring
associated with a single line individual service may be extended by means of certified
connector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be aware that
compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance
facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this
equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to
request the user disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the
power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are
connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
Ca ution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should
contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from
digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department
of Communications.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 90
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites
applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe B prescrites dans le Règlement sur le
brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.
Re g ula tory Inform a tion for Europ e
This equipment displays the CE 168 X mark to show that it has been tested and
found to be in full compliance with the requirements of the Terminal
Equipment, EMC and Low Voltage Directives (91/263/EEC, 89/336/EEC and
72/23/EEC, as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC).
The CE 168 X mark signifies that this product is approved for connection to ISDN within the
EU and EEA.
Sa fe ty Sta tus: SELV
No voltages within this equipment exceed SELV levels. All interconnection points and ports
are SELV.
This equipment draws power from an external power supply which has been separately
approved. It does not draw power from the ISDN network.
Powe r Consum p tion
Check that power supply will not be overloaded. Maximum power consumption of the board
is stated on page 87. The user must ensure that the total power drawn by the host computer,
DIVA T/A, and any other peripherals, does not exceed the capability of the host power
supply unit.
Re g ula tory Inform a tion for Fra nc e
This equipment complies fully with the CSE P 10-21 and ETS 300 104 French ISDN delta
requirements, as recorded in ITAAB advisory note number 54.
Re g ula tory Inform a tion for Ja p a n
Eicon Technology Corporation
JATE approval number: T96-5177-0
Date of approval: July 29, 1996
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 91
Lim ite d Wa rra nty
Eicon Technology Corporation warrants to the original purchaser of this Eicon Technology
Product that it is to be in good working order for a period of five (5) years from the date of
purchase from Eicon Technology or an authorized Eicon Technology dealer. Should this
Product, in Eicon Technology’s opinion, fail to be in good working order at any time during
this five year warranty period, Eicon Technology will, at its option, repair or replace this
Product at no additional charge except as set forth below. Repair parts and replacement
Products will be furnished on an exchange basis and will be either reconditioned or new. All
replaced parts and products become property of Eicon Technology. This Limited Warranty
does not include service to repair damage to the Product resulting from accident, disaster,
misuse, abuse, or non-authorized alterations, modifications, and/or repairs.
Products requiring Limited Warranty service during the warranty period should be delivered
to Eicon Technology with proof of purchase. If the delivery is by mail, you agree to insure
the Product or assume the risk of loss or damage in transit. You also agree to prepay shipping
charges to Eicon Technology and to use the original shipping container or equivalent.
PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above
limitations may not apply to you.
INABILITY TO USE, SUCH PRODUCT. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages for consumer products, so the above
limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
This Limited Warranty applies to hardware products only.
DIVA T/A PC C a rd Use r’s G uid e 92
Prod uc t Com m e nt Form
DIVA T/ A PC Ca rd
Use r’s Guid e
We value your comments. Please use the tables below to rate this
Na m e
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DIVA T/ A PC Ca rd
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Eicon Technology Corporation
Attention: Corporate Publications
9800 Cavendish Blvd.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4M 2V9
Email: techpub@eicon.com
Fax: (514) 745-5588
Tel: (514) 745-5500
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