WS320 Wireless Repeater
User Guide
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Restoring Default Settings ...................................................................... 28
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1 Warnings and Precautions
To use the device properly and safely, read these warnings and precautions
carefully and strictly observe them during operation. Unless otherwise specified,
the term "device" refers to the device and its accessories.
Basic Requirements
During storage, transportation, and operation of the device, keep it dry and
prevent it from colliding with other objects.
Do not dismantle the device. In case of any fault, contact an authorized service
center for assistance or repair.
Without authorization, no organization or individual can change the
mechanical, safety, or performance design of the device.
When using the device, observe all applicable laws and regulations and respect
the legal rights of other people.
Environmental Requirements for Using the Device
Keep the device far from sources of heat and fire, such as a heater or a candle.
Keep the device far from electronic appliances that generate strong magnetic or
electric fields, such as a microwave oven or a refrigerator.
Place the device in a cool and well-ventilated indoor area. Do not expose the
device to direct sunlight.
Use the device in an area with a temperature ranging from 0°C to 40°C.
Do not block the openings on the device with any object. Reserve a minimum
space of 10 cm around the device for heat dissipation.
Do not place any object (such as a candle or a water container) on the device. If
any foreign object or liquid enters the device, stop using the device
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immediately, power it off, remove all the cables connected to it, and then
contact an authorized service center.
During thunderstorms, power off the device, and then remove all the cables
connected to it to prevent it from getting damaged due to lightning strikes.
Precautions for Using Wireless Devices
When using the device, ensure that the antenna of the device is at least 20 cm
away from all persons.
Do not use the device where using wireless devices is prohibited or may cause
interference or danger.
The radio waves generated by the device may interfere with the operation of
electronic medical devices. If you are using any electrical medical device,
contact its manufacturer for the restrictions on the use of the device.
Do not take the device into operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), or
coronary care units (CCUs).
Areas with Inflammables and Explosives
Do not use the device where inflammables or explosives are stored, for
example, in a gas station, oil depot, or chemical plant. Otherwise, explosions or
fires may occur. In addition, follow the instructions indicated in text or
Do not store or transport the device in the same box as inflammable liquids,
gases, or explosives.
Safety of Children
Keep the device and its accessories out of the reach of children. Otherwise, they
may damage the device and its accessories by mistake, or they may swallow the
small components of the device, causing suffocation or other dangerous situations.
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If the device is not used for a long time, power it off, and then remove all the
cables connected to it.
If any exception occurs, for example, if the device emits any smoke or unusual
sound or smell, stop using the device immediately, power it off, remove all the
cables connected to it, and then contact an authorized service center.
Before cleaning the device, stop using it, power it off, and then remove all the
cables connected to it.
Use a clean, soft, and dry cloth to clean the device shell. Do not use any
cleaning agent or spray to clean the device shell.
Disposal and Recycling Information
This symbol on the device (and any included batteries) indicates
that the device (and any included batteries) should not be disposed
of as normal household garbage. Do not dispose of your device or
batteries as unsorted municipal waste. The device (and any
batteries) should be handed over to a certified collection point for
recycling or proper disposal at the end of its life.
For more detailed information about the recycling of the device or batteries,
contact your local city office, the household waste disposal service, or the retail
store where you purchased this device.
The disposal of this device is subject to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) Directive of the European Union. The purpose for separating
WEEE and batteries from other waste is to minimize any environmental impact
and health hazard due to the presence of hazardous substances.
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Reduction of Hazardous Substances
This device is compliant with the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation (Regulation No 1907/2006/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council) and the EU Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) Directive (Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council). For more information about the REACH compliance of the
recommended to visit the Web site regularly for up-to-date information.
EU Regulatory Conformance
This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm
between the antenna and all persons.
Български: С настоящето Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. декларира, че този
уред съответства на основните изисквания и другите разпоредби на
Директива 1999/5/EC.
Česky: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení je ve
shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími souvisejícími opatřeními směrnice
Dansk: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklærer hermed at denne enhed er i
overensstemmelse med de obligatoriske krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i
direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Nederlands: Hierbij verklaart Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dat dit apparaat in
overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van
richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
English: Hereby, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declares that this device is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
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Eesti: Käesolevaga kinnitab Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et see seade vastab
Direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõudmistele ja teistele asjakohastele määrustele.
Suomi: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä laite on
yhdenmukainen direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaisten vaatimusten ja direktiivin
muiden asiaankuuluvien lausumien kanssa.
Français (Européen) : Le fabricant déclare que ce produit est conforme aux
exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive
Deutsch: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt die
erforderlichen Bestimmungen und andere relevante Verordnungen der Richtlinie
1999/5/EG einhält.
Ελληνικά: Δια της παρούσης η Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. δηλώνει ότι αυτή
η συσκευή συμμορφώνεται με τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές
διατάξεις της οδηγίας 1999/5/Ε.Κ.
Magyar: Jelen nyilatkozaton keresztül a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. kijelenti,
hogy a készülék megfelel az EC/5/1999 Irányelv összes lényeges
követelményének és vonatkozó előírásának.
Gaeilge: Fograíonn Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd leis seo go bhfuil an fheiste seo
i gcomhlíonadh leis na fíor-riachtanais agus na forálacha eile maidir le Treoir
Italiano: Col presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dichiara che
questo dispositivo è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni
applicabili della Direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Latviski: Ar šo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. paziņo, ka šī ierīce atbilst
Direktīvas 1999/5/EC pamatprasībām un piemērojamajiem nosacījumiem.
Lietuviškai: Šiuo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. praneša, kad šis įtaisas atitinka
Direktyvos 1999/5/EC pagrindinius reikalavimus ir taikomas sąlygas.
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Malti: Hawnhekk, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. tiddikjara li dan it-tagħmir hu
konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti rilevanti oħrajn ta’ Direttiva
Polski: Wymieniona w tym dokumencie firma Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
deklaruje, że niniejsze urządzenie spełnia zasadnicze wymagania w zakresie
zgodności oraz inne odnośne postanowienia Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Português (Europeu) : Deste modo, a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declara que
este dispositivo está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras
provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Română: Prin prezenta Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declară că acest dispozitiv
este conform cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale directivei
Slovenčina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenie je v
súlade so základnými požiadavkami a inými relevantnými predpismi Smernice
Slovenščina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. izjavlja, da je ta naprava v skladu z
bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi ustreznimi določbami Direktive 1999/5/ES.
Español (Europeo) : Con el presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
declara que este dispositivo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y con las demás
disposiciones correspondientes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Svenska: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna produkt
överensstämmer med de grundläggande kraven och andra relevanta föreskrifter i
direktiv 1999/5/EG.
For the declaration of conformity, visit the Web site
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Notice: Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device is to
be used. This device may be restricted for use in some or all member states of the
European Union (EU).
Notice: This device may be operated in all member states of the EU.
France: Outdoor use limited to 10 mW e.i.r.p. within the band 2454-2483.5 MHz.
Italy: For private use, a general authorisation is required if WAS/RLAN's are used
outside own premises. For public use, a general authorisation is required.
Luxembourg: General authorisation required for network and service supply.
Norway: This subsection does not apply for the geographical area within a radius
of 20 km from the centre of Ny-Ålesund.
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2 Function Overview
WS320 Wireless Repeater (hereinafter referred to as the WS320) is a wireless
signal repeater that can work with a wireless router to extend the wireless network
coverage. The following figure shows the network connection between the WS320
and other related devices. The PC in Room C on the second floor is some distance
from the wireless router in Room A on the first floor. The WS320 is used to
process the wireless signals transmitted between the PC and the wireless router.
Thus, a wireless network can be established.
1 Wireless router
2 WS320
3 and 4 PCs with a wireless network adapter installed on each
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3 Setting Up a Wireless Connection
When using the WS320, you need to set up a wireless connection between the
WS320 and the wireless router only. Then the PC can connect to the wireless
network extended by the WS320 as it connects to the wireless network
implemented by the wireless router. You need to connect the WS320 to the
wireless network for only one time. Then when you restart the WS320, the WS320
will automatically connect to the wireless network that it connected to last time.
Suppose that you are in the network environment as shown in the following figure.
Your PC is placed in Room A and it is connected to a wireless network. Because
Room C is far from the wireless router and wireless signals are blocked by several
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walls, the PC in Room C cannot connect to the wireless network. Room B is
between Room A and Room C.
Now you want the PC in Room C to connect to the wireless network also. The
WS320 supports two methods of setting up a wireless connection. You can choose
one of the following configuration methods based on your installation
environment and operation habit.
Setting Up a Wireless Connection Through the WPS
If your wireless router supports the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) function
implemented through Push Button Configuration (PBC), you can quickly set up a
wireless connection between the WS320 and the wireless router by pressing the
WPS button.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup, abbreviated to WPS, is a standard used for
simplifying the security settings of a wireless network. Through the
WPS function, you can securely connect your wireless terminal to a
wireless network without entering the name and password of the
To set up the wireless connection, do as follows:
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Step 1 Power on the wireless router in Room A. On the wireless router, ensure
that the wireless network function and the WPS function implemented
through PBC are enabled.
The method of configuring a wireless network on a router varies with the
routers produced by different manufacturers. For details about the
configuration method, see the wireless router operation guide provided by
the manufacturer.
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Step 2 In Room A, connect the WS320 to a power socket near the wireless
After the WS320 is powered on, the indicator on the panel turns red,
indicating that the WS320 is being started. Wait for about one minute.
Then the indicator of the WS320 turns solid yellow, indicating that the
WS320 has been started but not connected to the wireless router.
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Step 3 Press the WPS button of the wireless router to start the WPS negotiation
of the router. Press and hold the WPS button of the WS320 for over 1s
within two minutes, and then release the button.
At this time, the indicator of the WS320 blinks in yellow, indicating that
the WS320 is trying to connect to the wireless router through the WPS
function. Wait for a moment (generally about 20s and less than 120s).
When the indicator of the WS320 turns solid green, it indicates that the
WS320 successfully connects to the wireless router through the wireless
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If the indicator turns solid yellow after blinking in yellow, it indicates
that the WS320 fails to connect to the wireless network. For a solution,
Step 4 Unplug the WS320 in Room A, and then plug it into a power socket in
Room B.
After the WS320 is powered on, the indicator on the panel turns on in red,
indicating that the WS320 is being started. Wait for about one minute.
Then the indicator of the WS320 blinks in yellow, indicating that the
WS320 is trying to connect to the wireless network. When it successfully
connects to the wireless network, the indicator of the WS320 turns solid
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If the indicator turns solid yellow after blinking in yellow, it indicates
that the WS320 fails to connect to the wireless network. In this case,
adjust the position of the WS320, placing the WS320 near the wireless
Step 5 Place the PC in Room C. After being started, the PC automatically
connects to the wireless network extended by the WS320. At this moment,
the extended network can be used the same as that implemented in Room
If you want to connect another PC to the wireless network, you can
directly connect the PC to the wireless network in Room C. For the
method of manually configuring a wireless connection on the PC, see
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Setting Up a Wireless Connection Through the
Web-Based Configuration Utility
If your wireless router does not support the WPS function, you can manually
connect the WS320 to the wireless router by using the Web-based configuration
You need to access the Web-based configuration utility through the wireless
network of the WS320. By default, an unencrypted wireless network has been
configured on the WS320. The service set identifier (SSID) of the wireless
network is Repeater. When you use the WS320 for the first time, you can connect
to the default wireless network to access the Web-based configuration utility of the
Suppose that the wireless SSID of the wireless router is AP. To set up a wireless
connection, do as follows:
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Step 1 Power on the wireless router in Room A. Ensure that the wireless network
function of the wireless router is enabled.
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Step 2 In Room A, connect the WS320 to a power socket near the wireless router.
Wait for about one minute until the WS320 is started.
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Step 3 In Room A, log in to the quick configuration webpage of the WS320 on
the PC.
1. Set up a wireless connection between the PC and the WS320. The
SSID of the wireless network to be connected is Repeater. For the
method of manually configuring a wireless connection on the PC, see
2. Configure the network connection of the PC, enabling the PC to obtain
an IP address automatically.
address bar, and then press Enter.. The quick configuration webpage
of the WS320 is displayed.
SSID: Repeater
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Step 4 On the quick configuration webpage of the WS320, set up a connection
between the WS320 and the wireless router.
1. Click Manual Connecting.
The WS320 searches for wireless network signals. Wait patiently until
the browser displays a wireless network list.
2. In the wireless network list, click the row of the wireless network
whose SSID is AP.
If the SSID of the wireless network is hidden, you need to enter the
SSID in the lower SSID text box.
3. In the Settings area, set the connection parameters of the wireless
4. Click Connect to connect the WS320 to the wireless network with the
Wait for a moment (within 30 seconds). When the indicator of the
WS320 turns solid green after blinking in yellow, it indicates that the
WS320 successfully connects to the wireless router through the
wireless network.
After the WS320 sets up a wireless connection with the wireless
router, the SSID named Repeater is disabled. If you want to use this
SSID to access the Web configuration utility of the WS320 again, you
need to enable the SSID by restoring the WS320 to the default settings.
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If the indicator turns solid yellow after blinking in yellow, it
indicates that the WS320 fails to connect to the wireless network.
In this case, try to connect to the wireless network again on the
quick configuration webpage.
If the indicator turns solid yellow and the browser cannot display
the quick configuration webpage, press the reset button on the
panel of the WS320 to restore the WS320 to the default settings.
Then log in to the quick configuration webpage of the WS320
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Step 5 Configure the wireless connection of the PC again. Set the PC to connect
to the wireless network with the SSID of AP.
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Step 6 Unplug the WS320 in Room A, and then plug it into a power socket in
Room B.
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Step 7 Place the PC in Room C. After being started, the PC automatically
connects to the wireless network extended by the WS320. At this moment,
the extended network can be used the same as that implemented in Room
On the wireless router, when the security mode of the wireless
network is set to Open and the encryption mode is set to WEP, if you
enter a wrong WEP password, the WS320 can connect to the wireless
network but cannot normally communicate with the wireless router.
The PC cannot obtain an IP address which is allocated by the wireless
router. For a solution, press the reset button on the panel of the WS320
to restore the WS320 to the default settings. Then try to configure the
WS320 again. This problem is caused by the defect of the wireless
network protocol. To ensure normal communication, you must enter
the correct WEP password.
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4 Maintaining the WS320
Logging In to the Advanced Configuration Webpage
By default, most parameters are preset on the WS320 for supporting the network
applications in general conditions. To view the working status or to change the
parameters of the WS320, you can log in to the advanced configuration webpage.
You need to access the advanced configuration webpage through the wireless
network of the WS320. To log in to the advanced configuration webpage, you can
also do as follows:
When the WS320 Is Not Connected to the Wireless Router
Step 1 Set up a wireless connection between the PC and the WS320.
– When the WS320 is not connected to the wireless router: The SSID of
the wireless network to be connected is Repeater.
– When the WS320 is connected to the wireless router: The SSID of the
wireless network of your PC is the same as that of the wireless network
of the wireless router.
Step 2 Set the network connection of the PC and ensure that the IP address of the
PC is in the same network segment as the IP address of the WS320 local
area network (LAN) interface.
By default, the IP address of the WS320 LAN interface is
and the subnet mask is If the IP address of the LAN
interface is not changed, you can set the IP address and subnet mask of the
PC to and respectively.
When the WS320 is not connected to the wireless router, you can
configure the network connection of the PC to obtain an IP address
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Step 3 Launch the browser on the PC. Enter
bar, and then press Enter.
in the address
Step 4 In the upper right corner of the quick configuration webpage, click
Step 5 In the login dialog box, enter the user name (
by default) and the
password (admin by default), and then click Login.
After the password is verified, you can access the advanced configuration
Connecting to a New Wireless Network
After the WS320 is connected to the wireless network of a wireless router, if you
want to connect the WS320 to the wireless network of another wireless router, you
can press the WPS button.
To connect to a new wireless network, you can also do as follows by using the
Web-based configuration utility:
Step 1 Log in to the advanced configuration webpage of the WS320.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose
to display the
Settings Repeater
configuration page.
Step 3 On the configuration page, click
Step 4 Select the wireless network to be connected to from
Step 5 In the
area, set the connection parameters of the wireless
Step 6 In the lower right corner, click
When the connection is set up successfully, Connection Status in the
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Connection Status area at bottom of the page is displayed as Connected.
When powered on in the future, the WS320 will automatically connect to
the wireless network you have set.
After the WS320 is connected to a new wireless network, you need to
configure the wireless connection of your PC again and then connect the
PC to the new wireless network.
Changing the IP Address of the LAN Interface
The IP address of the LAN interface is the IP address entered in the address bar of
the browser before you log in to the Web-based configuration utility. To change
the IP address, do as follows after you log in to the Web-based configuration
Step 1 Log in to the advanced configuration webpage of the WS320.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose
Settings LAN
to display the
configuration page.
Step 3 In the
Step 4 In the
Step 5 Click
text box, enter the new IP address.
IP address
Subnet mask
text box, enter the subnet mask.
When changing the IP address of the WS320 LAN interface, ensure
that the new IP address does not conflict with the IP address of another
device that is connected to the WS320.
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Restoring Default Settings
After you restore the default settings, your customized data will be
lost. Therefore, use this function with caution.
When the WS320 is powered on, press and hold the reset button of the WS320 for
over 1s by using an object with a sharp point (such as a pin), and then release the
button. Then the WS320 automatically restarts and the default settings are restored.
After you release the reset button, the indicator of the WS320 turns off and then
changes to solid red, indicating that the WS320 is restarted after the default
settings are restored.
To restore the default settings, you can also do as follows after logging in to the
advanced configuration webpage:
Step 1 In the navigation tree, choose
Maintenance Reset
to display the system
reboot page.
Step 2 Click
Restore Default Settings
5 FAQs
Can I set up a wireless connection between my PC and the WS320 by pressing
the WPS button of the WS320?
No, you cannot. The WPS button of the WS320 can be used only for setting up
a wireless connection between the WS320 and a wireless router.
After I access a wireless network, if the PC is not moved, the network
connection is stable; if the PC is moved, the network cannot be accessed
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sometimes. In this case, what should I do?
If the PC is moved, the wireless network adapter of the PC will automatically
switch between wireless network signals. In this case, wait until the PC
reestablishes the wireless connection. If the PC cannot automatically connect
to a wireless network, you need to configure the wireless connection of the PC
After you extend the wireless network by using the WS320, two wireless
networks with the same name are available in your home: One network is set
up by the wireless router, and the other one is set up by the WS320. When the
PC is being moved, the signal strength of the two networks searched for by the
wireless network adapter of the PC changes. The wireless network adapter
automatically detects and switches to the wireless network with stronger
signal strength. During the network switch process, the data transmission on
the wireless connection will be interrupted.
If the network adapter does not support the network switch function, the
wireless connection cannot be reestablished automatically and you need to
configure a wireless connection again.
When my PC has connected to the wireless network of the WS320 and
automatically obtained an IP address, is the IP address allocated by the WS320
or the wireless router?
If the WS320 has not set up a wireless connection with the wireless router, the
IP address is allocated by the WS320; otherwise, the IP address is allocated by
the wireless router.
How can I configure a wireless connection on the PC to be connected to a
wireless network?
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You can configure a wireless network connection by using the software
delivered with the wireless network adapter. If a Windows OS is installed on
your PC, you can use the wireless connection configuration software provided
by the Window OS. The following procedure takes Windows XP as an
example and describes how to configure a wireless connection.
Step 1 Enable the wireless configuration service supported by Window XP.
1. Right-click My Computer, and then choose Manage from the
shortcut menu.
2. In the left pane of the Computer Management window, choose
Computer Management (Local) > Services and Applications >
3. From the services listed in the right pane of the Computer
Management window, right-click Wireless Zero Configuration,
and then choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
4. In the Wireless Zero Configuration Properties (Local
Computer) dialog box, check whether Service status is Started. If
not, click the Start button.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box. Then, close the Computer
Management window.
Step 2 Configure the wireless network connection on your PC.
1. Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications
> Network Connections.
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless
Network Connection, and then choose Properties from the shortcut
3. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box,
click Wireless Networks.
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4. Select Use Windows to configure my wireless network
5. Click View Wireless Networks.
6. In the Wireless Network Connection dialog box, select the
wireless network to be connected to from the wireless network list,
and then click Connect in the lower right corner of the dialog box.
7. In the displayed dialog box, enter the network access password,
and then click Connect.
After the password is verified, Connected appears on the icon of the
wireless network in the wireless network list, which indicates that
your PC is connected to the wireless network.
8. Close the Wireless Network Connection dialog box.
9. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box,
click OK.
How can I quickly restore the WS320 to the default settings?
When the WS320 is powered on, press and hold the reset button of the WS320
for over 1s by using an object with a sharp point (such as a pin), and then
release the button. Then the WS320 automatically restarts and the default
settings are restored.
Does the WPS function have any special requirement on the wireless
encryption settings of a wireless router?
The WPS function has no special requirement on the wireless encryption
settings; however, it is recommended that you use the Wi-Fi Protected Access
2–Pre-shared key (WPA2-PSK) security mode together with the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) encryption rather than the Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) encryption method for accessing a wireless network. The
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reasons are as follows: If a wireless network is not encrypted or encrypted by
using WEP, the security performance is poor. In addition, on some wireless
routers, the WPS function is forcibly disabled when the WEP encryption is
used for accessing a wireless network.
If several SSIDs are enabled on my wireless router, when the WS320 tries to
connect to a wireless network by using the WPS function, which wireless
network does the WS320 connect to?
This depends on the design of the wireless router. Generally, by using the
WPS function, the wireless router tries to connect to the wireless terminal with
the SSID numbered 1.
If my wireless router does not support the WPS function, how can I set up a
connection between the WS320 and the router?
You can manually connect the WS320 to the wireless network of the wireless
router by using the Web-based configuration utility of the WS320.
If the WS320 fails to connect to the wireless network of a wireless router after
I press and hold the WPS button, what should I do?
Step 1 Ensure that only one wireless router has started the WPS negotiation
at a particular moment.
Step 2 Ensure that only one WS320 is trying to connect to the wireless router
through the WPS function at a particular moment.
Step 3 On the wireless router, ensure that the wireless network function and
the WPS function implemented through PBC are enabled. Note that
on some wireless routers, the WPS function is forcibly disabled when
the encryption mode of the wireless network is WEP or when the
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SSID of the wireless network is hidden.
Step 4 On the wireless router, ensure that the MAC filtering function does
not prohibit the WS320 from connecting to the wireless router.
Step 5 Check the positions of the wireless router and the WS320. Keep them
away from the electric appliances, such as microwave ovens,
refrigerators, or cordless telephones, which generate strong magnetic
or electric fields.
Step 6 It is recommended that you place the wireless router and the WS320
in an open space. Although radio signals can pass through obstacles,
passing through too many obstacles such as cement or wooden walls
can affect the transmission of wireless signals of a wireless network.
Step 7 Adjust the position of the WS320, placing the WS320 near the
wireless router.
6 Appendix
Hardware Features
The following figure shows the positions of the interface, buttons, and indicator of
the WS320.
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The following table describes the interface, buttons, and indicator of the WS320.
Reset button: used to restore the default settings of the WS320.
When the WS320 is powered on, press and hold the reset button of
the WS320 for over 1s, and then release it. Then the WS320
automatically restarts and the default settings are restored.
Power plug: used to connect to a power socket.
WPS button: used to start the WPS negotiation of the WS320 to set
up a wireless connection between the WS320 and a wireless router.
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Status indicator: located in the middle of the WPS button and used to
indicate the working status of the WS320. For details about the status
indicator, see the following table.
The following table describes the functions of the indicator.
Solid on The WS320 is being started.
Blinking The WS320 is updating software.
Yellow Solid on The WS320 has been started but not connected to a
wireless router.
Blinking The WS320 is trying to set up a wireless connection
with a wireless router.
Solid on The WS320 has set up a wireless connection with a
wireless router.
Default Settings
Default Value
IP address of the LAN interface
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Default Value
Subnet mask of the LAN interface
User name used to log in to the
Web-based configuration utility
Password used to log in to the
Web-based configuration utility
Wireless network name (SSID)
Wireless network password
None. No password required for
Technical Specifications
Entire-device power
100–240 V AC
< 5 W
Entire-device power
Working temperature
Working humidity
0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
5% to 95% (non-condensing)
Dimensions (L × W × H) 76 mm × 42 mm × 59 mm
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About 61 g
Wireless networking
802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n (2.4–2.4835 GHz)
Wireless network
Maximum distance of 150 m from the WS320 to a
wireless router (with no obstacle and interference
Wireless data rates
1 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s, 5.5 Mbit/s, and
11 Mbit/s
6 Mbit/s, 9 Mbit/s, 12 Mbit/s, 18
Mbit/s, 24 Mbit/s, 36 Mbit/s, 48
Mbit/s, and 54 Mbit/s
802.11n (a
1T × 1R
6 Mbit/s, 6.5 Mbit/s, 13.0 Mbit/s,
13.5 Mbit/s, 19.5 Mbit/s, 26.0
Mbit/s, 27.0 Mbit/s, 39.0 Mbit/s,
40.5 Mbit/s, 52.0 Mbit/s, 54.0
Mbit/s, 58.5 Mbit/s, 65.0 Mbit/s,
81.0 Mbit/s, 108.0 Mbit/s, 121.5
Mbit/s, and 135.0 Mbit/s
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Subject to the exclusions contained below, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Huawei Industrial Base
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Part Number: 202302
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